There On The Water

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Cuphead's Pov:

Captain Cuphead stood at the wheel of his ship, carefully charting its course. Being the captain of a pirate crew of over 400 men. His crew both feared and respected their captain. Sure, there were times that a few men had doubted him. He had taught them not to underestimate him. Now, not a single one doubted his leadership. This day brought winds of promise. Surely we will find some treasure in today's swashbuckle. The captain thought to himself, stisfied. "Captain. A ship has been spotted and seems promising." The First Mate said, coming up to the wheel. Captain Cuphead nodded. "Tell the Scallywags to get ready the cannons. And tell 'em they best be ready ta board the damaged ship. We're gonna have ourselves some fun." The First Mate nodded and left to give the Captain's orders. Soon, they came into firing range of the ship. They ain't spotted us yet. Best use this to our advantage. Captain Cuphead yelled the orders. "Fire, ye Scumbags!" Following the Captain's command, all of the cannons on the side facing the ship exploded into cannonfire. Fortunately, all of the opposing ship's cannons were destroyed in the surprise attack. Captian Cuphead moved his ship to where they could baord the enemy ship. "Attack ye Vermin!" And with that, all the crew swung onto the opposing ship. The First Mate and Captian included, of course. The fight was short and bloody. The Captain had been so busy collecting treasure, he didn't notice the unconsious boy tied to the enemy ship's mast. He looked around the ship for one last time, then spotted the boy. "You." Captain Cuphead said, pointing to one crew member. "Yes, Captain?" The member asked, stepping forward. "Get that demon-boy that's tied to the mast. Then, take 'em to the Healer." The crew member nodded, then proceded to do as he was told.

??? Pov:

Ugh, where am I? Oh yeah, that's right... I'm on a pirate ship, tied to a mast. But when he opened his eyes, it obvious he wasn't outside. and, he was on a bed. "Wha? Where am I?" "On Captain Cuphead's ship, the Skeleton." Respond an unfamiliar British voice. The boy moved his head to see a small back and white cat, smiling kindly at him. "Who's Captain Cuphead?" The cat shook his head. "You'll get meet him as soon as you're well-rested. For now, how about we introduce ourselves? I'm Felix. What's your name?" Felix asked, still smiling. "Bendy... This is a pirate ship, isn't it?"Bendy asked, sitting up. Felix nodded. "Yep. Not all pirates are bad, you know. Some are fairly reasonable and some are even kind." Bendy shook his head, not believing a word of it. "Okay... Name one pirate on this ship that's either reasonable or kind." Bendy said, certain Felix couldn't."Well, the First Mate. He's very kind to the crew and has never lost his patience. And to think, he wasn't always a pirate." Felix said, still smiling. Bendy only shook his head. "Can I meet the Captain now?"Felix nodded. "You'll also be meeting the First Mate. He's always around the Captain." Bendy nodded and Felix led him across the deck of the Skeleton.It was quite a grand ship. They got to the door of the Captain's Quarters,Felix took a step back. "I'm afraid I can't accompany you any further. If you like, I'll wait outside." Feilix said, looking unhappy. Bendy shook his head. "No, you go back to your place. Thanks." With that, Bendy opened the door and walked in, closing it behind him. There, sitting behind a big desk, was the Captain himself. Okay, I see why his name is Cuphead. He literally has a cup for a head. The Captain looked up when Bendy came in.He smiled a self-satisfied smile. "So, ye be the boy I saved from that there ship. Ye got a name?" The Captain asked somewhat impatently."Bendy... Why'd you save me?" Bendy asked. The Captain smiled again."Well, Bendy... There be a small catch to yer bein' saved. Ye see, I saved yer life. So now, ye be in me debt. I figure ye can pay it off by joinin' me crew. Wadda ya say?" Then, a familiar black and white wolf came in from aside door, holding a piece of paper and talking fairly quickly. "Captain,the treasure we collected today is twice as much as we got last time. We be gettin' better at this." The wolf continued to talk about treasure amounts, finally finishing. "That be great, First Mate. I like ye to meet our new friend, Bendy." The wolf turned his head and smiled at Bendy." Ah, so yer the boy Captain Cuphead rescued from our raid this afternoon.Name's-" "Boris." Bendy said, cutting the wolf off. "First Mate Boris? Ye know this boy?" Captain Cuphead asked, suspicion in his voice. Boris stood, shocked."Bendy... Bendy Demon?" Bendy nodded, tears in his eyes. Then, Boris hugged Bendy. The hug was quick and Boris pulled away before Bendy had much time to react. "Captain, this here's my brother. We got separated when I was just a boy. Ain't seen him until now." Boris said, turning completely professional. The Captain nodded. " Then I s'pose he'll be a good addition to the crew, eh?" Boris nodded, quick and professionally. The Captain smiled and stood up. "So this here's da boy ye talked 'bout when ye first got on me crew. I heard a lot 'bout ye, Bendy. At first, I thought it was only a chance. Then ye knew me Fist Mate's real name. Now, he even said ye was one in the same. Welcome aboard, Bendy." The Captain held his hand out and waited for Bendy to shake it. Bendy hesitated, then shook the Captain's hand."Thank ya for savin' my brother, Captain. I'm greatly in yer debt."Boris said, bowing to show his gratitude. The Captain shook his head, still in his friendly mood. "Think nothin' of it First Mate. Ye done me 'nough good to do well 'nough. Ya ain't owin' me nothin'. 'Sides, ye can consider thisreward fer all yer goodness and bein' faithful ta me. Why don't ya show yerbrother 'round and introduce to the crew? We be havin' a celebratin' dinner feryer reunitin' and his joinin' the crew." Then, the Captain nodded dismissively. Boris led Bendy back to the deck of the Skeleton.    

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