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Bendy's Pov:

"So 'Ye' and 'Ya' replace 'You'. 'Yer' replaces 'Your'. 'Ta' replaces 'To'. The 'G' isn't pronounced in words like 'Swashbuckling' and 'Raiding' or anything else like that. 'Me' sometimes replaces 'I', but not always. 'Be' doesn't typically have a word like 'Will' or 'Can' before it or other words like that after it. I think that's it." Bendy said as he reviewed his notes he took over pirate talk. Cuphead nodded, looking bored. "Alright... Now let me see how ya can talk, puttin' everythin' together." Bendy cleared his throat, quickly thinking of a sentence to say in pirate talk. "This be child's play in sayin'. Yer right, Captain, this be fun." Bendy said, giggling at the end. Cuphead broke out laughing. "I gotta admit, that's 'bout near the funniest thing I heard. Yer pirate talk sounds like a child's." Bendy hit his arm. "Shut up! I'm trying!" Cuphead rubbed his arm, still smiling and laughing. " Wow. Ye sure got a strong arm fer such a little guy." Bendy turned red, blushing madly. "My height denies my age!" He insisted. Cuphead chuckled and shook his head. "I know. I believed ye when ya said ye was 22. Ya know, I could use someone like ye in charge of me forces." Cuphead said, looking thoughtful. "Huh? Me? In charge of your forces?" Bendy asked, confused and shocked. Cuphead nodded. "All ye would need is some weapons of yer own, some fancy clicks, and a general's hat." bendy didn't know what to say. Cuphead stood up and placed his hat back on his head. "Come on, Bendy. Ye can check out me weaponry. Pick yerself somethin' nice." Bendy stood up and followed Cuphead excitedly.

(Timeskip to weaponry.)

Cuphead opened the wardrobe that held an amazing arrayof what must have been the finest guns and swords. "Where did you get allthese?" Bendy asked in awe. Cuphead smiled triumphantly. "Got 'emfrom some of our finest raids." Bendy sighed unhappily. "Why am I notsurprised?" Bendy moved to the array of weapons. Most were very big, thethings that would slow him down in a fight. Finally, there were two swords withgolden holders. They were sheathed in a thing that was meant to go over thewearer's back. "Those." Bendy said, pointing to them. They were toohigh for him to reach. Cuphead took them down and handed them to Bendy. Bendyunsheathed one and swung it around carefully. Then, he unsheathed the other.They moved like his arms did, smoothly and flawlessly. Cuphead smiled as hewatched Bendy. "Well, what do ye think? They work for ya?" Bendy noddedand sheathed both of the swords. "I think they'll do nicely." Cupheadnodded, then went to the wardrobe opposite the one with the weapons. He cameback with a hat. It looked similar to Cuphead's, except it had a blue triminstead of a red one. Cuphead looked at the head with a sad smiled, then heldit out to Bendy. "This here hat was me brother's. He was me First Matebefore I lost him to me arch enemy, Captain Lucifer. Wear it with pride."Bendy took the hat gingerly. He looked at Cuphead and nodded, then placed thehat on his head. "I will." Cuphead smiled. "It suits ya... Now,for the outfit... Come over here." Cuphead said, directing Bendy to theother wardrobe. "Pick one." Cuphead said as he pointed to the arrayof fancy outfits that looked professional. Bendy scrolled. Too puffy... Toolong... Too- What about this one? Bendy pulled out a black, gold, andpurple overcoat. Then, he pulled out a crisp white shirt. Along with some blackpants. Lastly, grabbing some purple-tinted, gold laced, boots that seemed hissize. Cuphead pointed to a closet that Bendy could change in. After he changed,he stepped out. Bendy felt pretty good. When Cuphead saw him, his jaw dropped.Bendy blushed and squeaked out, "How do I look?" Cuphead smiled."How do ye look? Ye look amazin'. Look fit fer a captain." Bendysmiled back, feeling great. Then, Boris came in. "Ah, Captain. We spotteda nearby ship. It looks ripe fer the pickin'." He said, sounding excited.Cuphead smiled happily. "That be great, First Mate! Yer brother will havea chance ta test his skills. If ye would like ta, that is." Cuphead said,looking back at Bendy. Bendy nodded, feeling confident. "Very well. Yetell the crew ta get the cannons ready. And be ready ta board the ship."    

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