2. Unwanted Gifts

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Hi everyone! I apologize for the late update but here it is! I had some family issues last night and I just had to deal with it first

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Hi everyone! I apologize for the late update but here it is! I had some family issues last night and I just had to deal with it first. Anyways, thank you so much for all your patience! Please don't forget to comment, share, and vote!

Song: Hard 2 Face Reality X Poo Bear & Justin Bieber


I backed up against the wall quickly as the blue roses taunted me with their existence. A scream threatened to tear through my throat. I scanned my small room for any signs of anyone's presence being there before. Especially the shadows. However, it was stupid of me to look in the shadows because my room is shrouded in darkness due to nighttime.

"Ethan..." my voice cracked, fear preventing me from screaming.

"ETHAN!" I screamed as loud as I could.

Barely a few seconds passed by when Ethan broke through my bedroom door with his silver scythe scanning the room with his brown eyes for any intruders.

"What's wrong?" he asked putting his scythe down when he realized that there were no threats inside my room.

Brittany and Daniel all piled into my room in worry. Ted wandered inside the room holding a Chinese takeout box and chopsticks chewing when he entered.

"It's...the roses." I murmured.

My friends looked at each other in concern because these blue roses are all too familiar. Ethan walked towards the roses on my bed and picked them up. He touched their smooth petals eyeing each carefully. He brought them closer to his face and inhaled their scent. Ethan appeared disconcerted before he threw the beautiful roses in the trashcan in my room.

"Is it possible that Daemon could be back?" I asked him.

Ethan began to pace around the room until he saw the book Fructus Est Nuptialis on my desk table.

"It's impossible for him to come back from the dead because he was 'unmade,' Celeste." he sighed flipping through the ancient textbook for answers in frustration.

He was right. Daemon was unmade by his own brother Angelo. He couldn't be alive, and even if he was, what of me now? What would become of us? What would become of my own friends? Deep inside, I knew the answer to my questions. There must always be a sacrifice made for us to be together.

"Die with me..."

My nightmare reminded me of another possible sacrifice; something that I don't think I have the heart to commit. The soft persuasive whisper was all too familiar in my dreams. Even after his death, Daemon continued to haunt me in my dreams as well as the love between us that would've bloomed into something beautiful and powerful.

I shook my head of the memories from my nightmare. It was stupid to wallow in something that isn't real.

"You said so yourself that a new demon was made in the Nether Realm, staking a claim on me." I pointed out.

"This new demon is mocking me..." I paced back and forth piecing everything together.

"So they must know what the blue roses mean for you and Daemon," Brittany said.

I sighed. "They're only found in the Empyrean fields of the Nether Realm. Who else could they come from?"

Ethan swore under his breath. "I can't find answers in this book unless we know more about this demon."

"What if it's Angelo?" Ted suggested. I froze. Angelo could be a possible suspect. After all, he's the new King of the Nether Realm.

"He has the motive," Brittany said.

"And that would be?" Ethan asked before speaking once more. "It doesn't fit because Celeste is still the Bridal Fruit and Angelo would have done something earlier to get the power he wanted. Why would he strike now? What is so special about this moment in time?"

"Um, technically Celeste couldn't be the Bridal Fruit because there has to be one demon from the Nether Realm and one angel from Heaven fighting for her to choose sides. There are two demons right now; Angelo and the psychotic admirer that left Celeste these roses." Daniel said.

I sat on the floor and put my head on my knees. It wasn't over yet. My past has followed me here in San Francisco and I have to be prepared and remember the lessons I learned in Los Angeles to protect myself and my friends. There were two demons we would be possibly up against, and there would be no one on our side this time for Heaven.

Ethan rubbed his forehead in exhaustion. "Let's deal with this tomorrow. I think it's best to stay in tomorrow night."

"It's Summer's birthday tomorrow. We wanted to go out so we can celebrate it properly like she would've wanted." Brittany whined.

Ted patted her on the shoulder for comfort, "It's okay, we can just go to a restaurant. Summer had a lot of favorite food. She'd love to spend her birthday anywhere as long as we're all together."

My heart ached. What came with my love for Daemon, the undying guilt I had for Summer's death was attached as well. As everybody went to bed and fell asleep in exhaustion, I sat by my window and admired the ivory moon that hung in the sky. I picked up the blue roses that still laid on my plain white sheets and stalked towards the trashcan, ready to drop them.

I couldn't because my heart hurt so much. Instead, I pulled the rare beauties into my embrace and inhaled their familiar scent. Memories surged to me without authorization. I've suppressed any memories of him, keeping my promise to him to live my life to its fullest even without him.

I placed them close to the window as the sun rose. My body felt fine without proper sleep, however, I can feel exhaustion mentally. My mind felt foggy. Regardless, it was nothing a large cup of coffee can fix.

I showered before my friends woke up and hogged both bathrooms in the apartment. I dried my waist length hair and applied minimal makeup. Next, I applied tattoo covering foundation on the mark on my forearm.

Meanwhile, my friends were finally up and got ready for breakfast at Cafe Bernardo, something to commemorate Summer. We knew she would've been a huge fan of the cafe with its hipster interior and its delicious crepes and omelets. We walked five minutes to the cafe and was sat down by a handsome waiter.

"If Summer were here, I bet she'd be hitting on that waiter that just sat us down," Brittany whispered. Ted and Daniel chuckled. "She would've asked us to go up to him and get his number for her too!"

I smiled and analyzed the tall handsome waiter that just walked away. He was tan, muscular and had colored eyes. He would have definitely been Summer's type.

However, when he turned around, a sense of deja vu hit me like a bag of bricks. His azure eyes were eerily beautiful and familiar. He gave me a small smile before heading to the kitchen to get our orders.

Once our food was ready, he set them all down for us and left us in peace. I was too busy looking at the hot delicious food that I failed to notice the silence between Ethan and my friends. I looked at where their gazes went to; a blue rose in a small delicate glass vase at the center of our table. As I looked around the restaurant for the possible culprit, I realized it wasn't just our table. Blue roses were on each table of the restaurant. 

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