all around

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"for gods sake," I was seething, Nyla had dragged me to the mall to go shopping for the winter fomal.
"why can't I just go in a pair of jeans and a flannel," I questioned her.
"Because it is a formal for a reason," she mocked glared.
Even though I told Nyla about me moving, I didn't bring it up again, she wouldn't believe me anyways. It was also fitting that I would move a few hours after the winter formal.
It was around noon when Nyla finally decided on just letting me decided on my own tux, why she didn't let me in the first place was beyond me.
My eyes landed on a satin designed tux, that was on clerance. I broke out in a speed walk over to it, dragging Nyla behind me.
"this one," I proclaimed. I saw Nyla cringe inwards , she sighed.
"alright if thats what you want beeno," smirking knowing that I hate that ridiculous nickname she had for me.
I carefully took the suit off the rack, and carried it up to the front where the lady running the store stood.
"Did you find everything you were looking for? and did anyone help you?" The lady asked
" uhm yeah we found everything, and nobody helped us today," Nyla answered
The lady finished ringer up " that will be $95.99," she smiled
I payed, and we left to go to the food court and this time, Nyla was paying.
I dropped my keys on the keyrack and headed to the kitchen to let my mom know I was alive and well.
"How did the shopping go," she hummed
" I got a suit, it was on clearance because nobody wanted it," I shrugged
"Well dinner will be ready in a half in hour. You hungry ?"
"Actually I just ate with Nyla," I shouted from the top of the stairs I jusr finished climbing.
"Well i'll still call you down and then you can sit with us."
"okay," I said and wen't inside my room.
when I shut my door the first thing I did was do some more extensive research, on this new little town in West Virginia.
My heart clutched, I couldn't believe I would be up and gone, starting a new life in a new city in less than a week. Goodbye sunny Cali, hello glommy west virgina. what didn't help was that we we're moving during the break.
The winter formal was the last thing I had left in this town. The more I thought the more I found myself upset. my whole life flipped upside down. I had to leave my best friend, my town, and the the life I had here, the only one i knew how to live.
I was about to call Nyla, when my mother called me down to sit with the family, during family supper.
I dragged myself down the stairs, and to the kitchen table.
Even though I told my mother that I was not eating she still set a plate out for me just incase I changed my mind.
After everyone started to dig in my mom cleared her throat.
" i have an announcement," she began
"The real reason why we are moving to west virgina, other than Joe's job." she twitched nervously
" Aunt Lela, has died, and we are moving in to help take care of her 5 kids." she finally breathed out, as she let a tear roll down her hazel eye.
The thing is that aunt Linda is well "was" loaded. she lived in a 4 story mansion in fairmont.
Everyone stated quite to let my greiving mother sob.
after a while she cleared her through and told me and Adaline to go do whatever she would be just fine right here.
Even though I still couldn't come to terms with me leaving to start a new life, with five different children I was starting to come to terms with my leaving.
Tomorrow was the winter formal, and Nyla was freaking out over the phone . Nyla had a royal blue dress to meet the theme of winter wonderland. How fitting
The problem was that she didn't know if it was the right dress for her.
" We need go shopping again," she pleaded
"sure Nyla," I shrugged " you can go shopping."
"what? you need to come with me," she roared
"If it has not clicked, I am a male and I choose not to spend my time, being dragged around. may I add again when you already have a good enough dress. stop freaking out because i'm done listening to it." I huffed
"Fine," she rolled her eyes
When I got off the phone, I finished packing the last of my stuff. This was it. this is one of the last final moments in this house I call home. I sighed, I was about to leave my room when I saw a rectangular bump under my rug.
as I approached it I noticed that it looked alot like a picture frame. I started peeling up the loose rug to see that it was a picture of my dad before he died.
my breath got stuck in my lungs and it struggled to escape. I lost my dad 3 years ago to stage 4 of brain cancer.
He still looked the way I remember, after his death everyone in the house put his picture away because it was to painful to see him , when he wasn't here. my mom loved my dad. my dad was her great love and he was tragically taken away. Even though my mom loved my dad, she still forced herself to get out there. 1 year later she met Joe and after a few months they were wed.
The more I stared at this picture the more I longed for his smell. I picked myself up and went to my closet, I reached way back and grabbed a box.
the box contained some of the things he loved to own.
I pulled out his tatered tie that he wore to every business trip. his lucky tie.
to whom it may comcern
I need a nap

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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