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Annabeth's POV

"I'm home." I said to no one in particular as I walked through the front door.

"Hi Pumpkin,"My dad walked in from the living room. "How was school?"

"Oh it was just wonderful! We learned about the importance of friendship and loving one another! And then we frolicked through the fields with the butterflies holding hands!" I said in a high pitched voice, and held my hands over my chest dramatically.

My dad laughed. "Always sarcastic. You get that from me, you know."

"'Course I do." I smiled.

"You have a lot of homework?"

"Nah." I did. But I didn't need my dad pestering me to do it, so I lied. I was going to do it, just.... at 3 a.m., maybe?

"Alright. Well, I want you to get it done because we're going to meet Nana May for her birthday dinner at 5:00. So, be ready." My dad sipped what I assumed was coffee from his mug.

"'Kay." I then made my way up the stairs, taking them two at a time, like I usually do. I went into my room, closing my door behind me. I found myself smiling as I threw my book bag on the floor.

That was one of the best home encounters I'd had in the last few weeks. My dad was usually out on business trips, but when he was home, everything was better.

Helen became tolerable, and I had someone to really talk to at home. I mean, I could talk to Bobby and Matthew, but not very much because they're in the third grade. My dad had seemed like my best friend since we moved.

Part of me thought that sounded sad, but the other part of me didn't care. That part of me always saw the good in my father, despite how angry I was at him for marrying Helen. That part helped me get over the anger. That helped me realize that he was just trying to do what was best for me, in going away on all these business trips so he can pay for the house and food and everything else.

I pulled out my phone and threw myself onto my bed. Pressing play on my Spotify playlist, music began pouring from my phone.

Play the scene over again
Before the credits rolling in
Inside my head

I scrolled through Instagram and checked Snapchat while I just sat on my bed listening to my music.

Suddenly, I was reminded of Jackson's note, declaring war. I quickly jumped up and grabbed a pen and notepad. If I wanted to win this war, which I was going to, I needed to start planning.



"Hey Pumpkin?" My dad called up the stairs.


"You ready to go?"

Shit. I was not ready to go, but my dad didn't need to know that. "Yeah, just give me a second."

"We'll be in the car."

"'Kay." I quickly jumped up and threw on my converse. The burgundy ripped jeans, black crop top, and black flannel I was wearing would have to do. I grabbed my burgundy hat and phone from my dresser before walking out of my room.

I flew down the stairs, taking two at a time.

You're probably wondering, why are you rushing so much, I thought you wouldn't care.

The thing is, I normally wouldn't care. But this is Nana May. If we were over five minutes late, I would never hear the end of it, especially because it's her birthday. I flew out the door, closing it behind me.

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now