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Percy's POV

It's just cherries, cherries
Everything is cherries on top
A silver lining
Fuck a silver lining
Cause only gold is hot enough, hot enough

I texted Annabeth that I was outside. She was letting me pick her up for the Halloween party. She wanted to skate there, but getting back wouldn't be easy.

A few minutes later, she walked through her front door, closing it behind her. She looked amazing. Leo had been able to convince us last minute to dress up. We had all agreed on bikers. You know, the whole black leather jacket look.

She wore tight black jeans, combat boots, and a black leather jacket. Her blonde hair was still wild and frizzy as ever, but now it was held back with a red bandana. Her white crop top showed off her toned abs. Her lips were neatly painted bright red. She also wore fingerless black leather gloves. She looked incredibly hot, and I was having trouble keeping my hormones in check. Thankfully though, I just managed.

"'Sup Jackson." She nodded at me, grinning.

"Uh..." Annabeth smirked at me. Snap out of it, Percy! "Hey." I pulled it together. "I didn't think you owned lipstick."

"I didn't think you owned a leather jacket." She tugged in the lapels of my jacket. I was pretty sure I blushed. Great.

"It was my dad's." Somehow I didn't stutter. "My mom said I looked just like him in the jacket." I smiled at the ground.

"That's cool." She said. "Wow, I'm surprised you got your hair to slick back like that." She looked up at my hair.

"It took like the entire bottle of gel, but we did it." I explained. She laughed, making me smile.

"Alright, we should go." I stepped out of the way, opening the passenger side door for her.

She rolled her eyes. "I can open the door for myself, you know." She said getting in the car.

"I know." I said before closing it and running to my side to get in the car. I got in and noticed she was staring out the window at her house.

"Oh my god. He's so fucking annoying." She complained.

"Who?" I asked.

"My dad. He's watching us from the fucking window." I laughed, making Annabeth laugh as well. "Let's just go." She looked back one last time, seeing her dad wave. She stuck up the middle finger. Her dad looked like he was laughing.

I started driving, and Annabeth turned up the volume on the radio.

In the Vegas lights
Where the villains spend the weekend
The deep end
We're swimming with the sharks until we drown

I was keeping my cool, but I was extremely nervous. I had never been to a party before, let alone with Annabeth, the girl I had a crush on. This was going to be just wonderful.


"Ready?" Annabeth asked as we began making our way, side by side, to the house—I'm sorry, mansion.

Music was blaring, different colors of light was streaming from the house, and you could practically smell the alcohol from here. Teenagers were on the lawn, and in the house. I even saw one guy climbing a nearby tree.

I exhaled. "Ready as I'll ever be."

And we headed inside.

A lot of different things practically slapped me across the face; the stench of booze, the colorful disco light shining right in my eyes, and a dancing drunk girl almost literally slapped me across the face. Thankfully, I was able to step back in time.

Never Be (Percabeth AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now