Day 2

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I fall back towards the rough bed.

This is a dream, it has to be.

I lay down and stare up at the ceiling.

How dirty.

I sit back up faster than you can say,

"Get up."

I stand up to face Joon.

"You're father hired us to protect you."

I blink in disbelief. It makes no sense, no way would my father hire some low level thugs to protect me, let alone kidnap me to do so.

"Liar." I scoff at him.

"Mmm I guess you could say so, you see he owes us a great sum of money."

I tightened my grip around my fathers clock.

"And this mission was the perfect way for us to turn the tables."

"I assume you're going to kill me then?"

"Not exactly."

I continue to hold my hard gaze.

"Just kill me now."

He raises a brow and opens his mouth to speak but footsteps interrupt him.

"Joon we're ready for her."

I scoff.

Both turn to look at me and the one at the door, jimin, glares at me.

"Give me the gun." Joon says

"But sir I thought-"

"Just give me the gun."

I watch as jimin gives off a weird look and passes a hand gun towards joon.

I shift the weight on my feet having an uneasy feeling in my gut.

I watch joon step closer and point the gun dead centre on my forehead.

I shake tremendously, but I pray he doesn't notice.

"You said kill me now, so here we are."

I swallow and glance at jimin by the doorframe.

Joon starts to pull the trigger.

I feel my heart beat out of my chest.

I glance down at my fathers clock which I'm still holding and swallow again.

I close my eyes hoping for the best.


"Not now jimin."

"But sir, the ribbon."

I open my eyes once again as I feel joon take the gun off my forehead.

At jimin's note I lift my hand and glance at the velvet like red ribbon.

"Interesting." I look up at joon who has now placed the gun by his hip.

"Bring her to my office."

At that, jimin walks towards me and pulls my wrists as he leads me to towards the office once more.

When we enter it looks slightly different, I start to notice more things than the first time I was dropped in.

There is a giant frame with possibly the biggest picture I've ever seen on the wall, it consisted of 7 guys and slowly I start to recognize the many faces, it was my kidnappers along with some unfamiliar faces, all grouped together with large smiles on their faces, they looked like the most normal group of friends anyone could imagine, in fact almost like brothers.

I tilt my head in curiosity.

"Y/N my schedule is right, and you have already wasted much of my precious time."

I turn to face the leader.

"You have exactly 6 days to convince your father to give us the money then all will be fine."

I grit my teeth knowing very well my father has some explaining to do.

"Starting today."

I then feel a strong tug at my wrists once again and I'm pulled out of the office into a long corridor, lined with many many doors.

I get about 1 second to be able to look at each door, curious of what's behind.

When we stop at a black wooden door jimin pushes through and drags me inside.

You guys could definitely use a renovation.

He sits me down right beside a keyboard piano, which makes me wonder but I don't say anything about it.

"Wait here, yoongi hyung should be here soon, don't touch anything."

I look away and decide to observe the room instead and I hear the door close behind me.

How interesting.

There are speakers layed out on the desk and some DJ or producer like equipment set up on the giant desk in front of me. The only thing, is that it looks like it hasn't been touched in years.

I jump a little as I hear the door swing open to reveal a Jungkook, though this time he changed his clothes and is wearing a silk like white shirt and light wash blue jeans along with some lace up worker boots.

"Did I scare you?"

"No." I reply while looking away.

"Do you know how to play?"

I glance over to see him pointing at the keyboard.

If only I payed better attention during those piano lessons I was forced to take.

I shift over in the seat and place my fingers onto the keyboard, with uncertainty I start to play, not knowing what I'm even playing I start to realize I'm playing a tune I heard a while back when I was just 4, I forgot what it was called but I knew it used to be my favourite song.

As I play I start to become aware that Jungkook has now sat down beside me
and if I'm not dreaming, sang along?




Intrigued I continue to play the rest of what I know.

I listen to his silky like voice

I need you girl ~

Finishing the small bit I recalled I sit back slightly and look at him sideways.

"It's been a while since I -"

I turn my head around and see that Yoongi has barged in.

"You may leave now Jungkook."

He gets up and nods as I start to feel almost sad that he has to leave.

As the door closes behind him I watch as Yoongi takes his spot.

"It goes more like this."

And I watch with wide eyes as he starts to work magic on the piano, note after note, I watch his delicate fingers play with confidence and can only react with tears forming in my eyes.

Nothing makes sense.


Sorry about the sudden format change I decided I like this format of writing rather than the one I started with so I hope you guys don't mind :)

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