Klance | pt. III

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Btw just to say, This whole story will be lances POV unless for some reason I say so, but I'll say when and when it's not lances POV


"I'm done, I'll go back to la- my room" Keith stood up and walked over to the door without making eye contact with anyone
"I'm gonna go to..." I followed Keith, as soon as I left I text shiro,
'Whatever you do don't tell them what you was talking  about last night!!' I sent, shiro text back,
'Don't worry lance I won't, but later on you and Keith are explaining it all'

As I walked into my room, I looked around, my room was empty, I was expecting Keith to be in here, but I couldn't see him. Then out of nowhere he sneak attacked me,
"AHHH Jesus!" I shouted
"Hey...." Keith said as he welcomed himself into my room
"So last night, I waited for you to fall asleep then I got up and thought of what to say to shiro, then talked with him, before I knew it, it was the morning, so sorry if you woke up this morning to an empty bed" Keith said confidently, it's like around other people Keith is a shy, quiet guy but around me, well he's this confident hot man.

"Oh no I just thought you must have already gotten up...." I replied back, all of a sudden I heard my door lock, and a hand press against my back, keith pushed me to my bed again and straddled me,
"Yee haw..." Keith said before smashing his lips into mine.
We weren't there for long, since pidge was aggressively knocking at my door,
"WHAT DO YOU WANT PIGEON?!" I shouted because I didn't want to get up,
"Lance where's Keith his not in he's room or training?" Pidge said, there was silence, me and Keith panicked and tried to think of an idea,
"Okay....?" Pidge walked away and Keith got off me,
"Hey? Come back I was just getting used to it for a second" I whispered as I also got up
"Lance, can— can we be like.... b-boy..." keith was stuttering badly, he couldn't barely say real words
"You mean boyfriends?" I helped him
"Yah- boyfriends" he's voice softened
"Why not hey!?" I said as I got up and put my hands on Keith's hips, he put one hand by my face and we stood for a moment.

Shiro burst through the door,
"Crap" I shouted whilst letting go of Keith
"The door was locked how did you open it?!" Keith said as he walked over to shiro angrily, keith is cute when his angry
"Yeah I think I broke it" shiro kicked the door so hard the lock broke.
I slow clapped sarcastically,
"So now is our time to explain what you to are" shiro got straight to the point.
"I'm lances new boyfriend" Keith grabbed my hand and I grabbed his
"Yep" I put my other free hand in my pocket
"Boyfriend?" Shiro folded his arms looking happy but confused
"Ye shiro, boyfriends" Keith replied back
"So your both gay?" Shiro grabbed the skin between his eyes trying to process the information,
"I'm bi" I said, sharply
"Wait you are?" Shiro and Keith said in sync
"Yes, but just because I'm bi doesn't mean I love Keith less" I gripped Keith's hand tighter
"I know" Keith rubbed my arm
"Okay.... well I have to go help allura with something now but, I promise I won't tell anyone, or I'll try my best"
"TAKASHI SHIROGANE" keith and I shouted together
"Ok!! I wont" shiro walked out, and did a peace sign as he walked away.

I ruffled Keith's hair as I tugged on it gently, keith moaned quietly then started to kiss my neck,
"Want a purple galra mark on your neck?" Keith did as he kissed my neck more and more,
"Shut up" I tugged harder on his hair and he removed his shirt, I took off mine, then stared at the door
"What if someone walks in keith?" I said
Keith pinned me against my door,
"They won't now" but I saw the red beeping of s security camera in the corner of my room.........

"Shut up and trust me!" | Klance VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now