Klance | pt. IV

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I stared at Keith's body, glaring up and down.
"Oh—ok" I wanted to say something about what I saw, the camera but I knew if I said anything Keith would immediately kill pidge, I had to find out who put it there and how longs it's been there for....

"You ok lance?" Keith whispered softly in my ear
"Y-yeah" I stammered, I gently pushed Keith aside and put my shirt back on
"Keith I'm really tied, I'm going to do my face routine then sleep" I made an excuse
"Let me sleep with you" Keith came up behind me I didn't know what to say
"Not tonight honey...." Why did I call him honey? That was to cheesy, could he tell I was lying, all these thoughts rushed into my brain
"So were using pet names now, sweetheart? Well I'll leave you, but I can't promise I will leave you alone tomorrow!" Keith picked up his shirt and put it back on and walked out.
That went better than I thought it would, I grabbed my dressing gown and ran to pidges room
"PIDGE!" I burst though her door, she was staring at her laptop screen with earphones in, unaware I entered the room, her back was facing me.
"Hello?!!" I tried to get her attention but whatever she was watching was to loud for her to hear, I looked over her shoulder and saw a very strong, mature scene from a movie, I was convinced she was watching a porn movie, but it wasn't, it was actually.....

I snatched the earphones from her ears and spun her around on her chair to face me,
"Pidge what the hell do you think your watching?" The shock on her face grew into an angry, but nervous smile
"N-nothing lance, what do you want" she slammed the laptop screen down and sarcastically folded her legs as if she really cared about what I had to say
"Explain the cameras in my room" I didn't break eye contact with her, we were staring at each other for what felt like and hour, but was only 5 seconds
"I put them in everyone's rooms so I could check on any attackes...." Pidge looked nervous
"So you've been watching me sleep and do my top secret skin care routine every night?" I said that to try and throw her off course but it didn't work
"You mean your secret routine to getting soft lips? Does the routine involve kissing the boy you truly love?" She jokes as if it wasn't important
"Don't laugh, me and Keith...." I was cut off by pidge
"You and keith are a thing, I know, I knew since that night in the kitchen" I was left in shock..... was she saying true things, or was that just something she guessed, it couldn't have been it was true, we started in the kitchen
"Have you told anyone?" I managed to get out without sounding panicked
"No, and I won't unless you want me to" I was surprised pidge was being so nice
"Well hunk has to pay me now and so does shiro" Pidge added
"W-why?" I stuttered out
"Well we made a bet before our first mission that if you two ever fell in love they would have to pay me 100 gak or whatever, shiro knows about you two so I can ask him now" Pidge ran out her room in joy
"PAY UP SHIRO!" She was shouting as she ran down the hall.

"I opened pidges laptop to see what she was watching before, it was a fan made fifty shades of grey, but with me and Keith! What the hell was this, I thought to myself, I checked pidges laptop for evidence of me and Keith and deleted it, then I went to my room and blasted the cameras, after all I'm the sharpshooter so of course I shot them down.

I went into Keith's room, in only my boxers, he was sitting up right facing east looking into a box
"Uhh, keith?" He slammed the lid shut and put the box under his bed
"Hey my Prince, I thought you were busy?..." Keith stood up and walked over to me.
I couldn't help but wonder what was in that box.... I wanted to ask but that would have been weird, I thought I'd leave it for now, but I'll look at it later with pidge and shiro.......

"Shut up and trust me!" | Klance VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now