Klance | pt. V

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"Pidge...." I walked into her room, she was playing some game on her laptop, how does she even have WiFi in space!?
"Yes, lance?" Pidge sulked, and looked fed up with something
"What is it lance?" Pidge bugged me, I was staring at her laptop screen where I saw what pidge was playing
"Hey! Don't tell the others I'm playing this kind of game!" Pidge demanded
"I won't, I have to much on my mind to worry about your life"
"What's up?" Pidge continued
"I walked into Keith's room and saw him with a big box, he opened it and was looking through things, but quickly hid it when I walked in, I'm concerned" when I am worried I don't breathe when I saw long sentences, and it's really noticeable so when it happens most people look panicked for me
"Ok breathe lance! Your going blue!"
"I'm sorry, you know what I'm like"
"Well why not ask him?"
"I did but he said nothing"
"Well go into his room whilst he's training and rummage through it, come find me once you have" Pidge opened her laptop screen again, the light filling her glasses
"He's training now, I'll go look"
"Tell me what you find! And don't die from whatever's in the box!" Pidge joked
"Not funny!" I rushed out the room and went to Keith's, running in hope he wasn't done training or almost done.

As I got into Keith's room I saw the huge box, it had warning stickers all over it, like some kids prank box.
I cracked the lock off and snatched the lid open to find there was a small figurine of............

Sorry for the short chapter I was writing this on the spot so it's not the best but it's what your gonna get! Also sorry for the cliff hangar

I need your advice!! So listen up!!

I want to do an IT Eddie x Richie smut/fluff story but I don't know if I should, should I?

"Shut up and trust me!" | Klance VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now