Chapter One: A New Mission

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  • Dedicated to My little sister, this is her story, I'm merely writing it for her here

Chapter One: A New Mission                      The cover is dedicated to thedjgirl, her work is amazing!

Space, it always seems peaceful, still, where ones thoughts can release, and be one with the force...

Unless you are in the middle of a heated altercation with General Grievous and his flagship brigade filled with tin cans of death.  Ahsoka thought to herself grimly, angling her fighter away from the oncoming tri-fighters. 

She barely completed her maneuver when a a yellow blur flashed past her cockpit, so close it nearly scraped her canopy. 

"Master!" She yelled into the com-link, her tone obviously ruffled by his stunt. As she fought with her controls for a moment.

"What's the matter Snips? Got a little cooked?" He asked, his voice just fringing on overly innocent. 

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, hoping he would sense her doing so, blasting through a vulture droid to fly parallel with her master. 

"Can't you wait to show off once we're back home?" She asked, her voice both amused, and tired. 

"Can't help if I'm fast Snips, you just have to be faster on the stick." He replied, his voice turning serious, together they turned in sync, and blasted through the bridge of one of the flagships.

" Obi-Wan better get here with those reinforcements, we're just about outgunned." He commented grimly, swinging his fighter away from Ahsoka's and moving off in the opposite direction. 

"Be careful Master." She said glancing towards his receding fighter. She then turned to aid the remainder of her squad. 

Meanwhile Anakin was happily blasting through clunker, after clunker. This was something real he could deal with, not shadowy like his personal problems and worries. He felt so alive and awake inside a ship. He wished every battle was in space, he would win the war in a heartbeat if he was allowed to become one with his ship.

Suddenly Artoo squealed an alarm, instinctively Anakin swerved the ship to the right. Three ships flew over his canopy, giving him a split second glance.

"Magna-Guards.." He grumbled, turning the word into a curse.

"Lock on the to the forward jets Artoo, we gotta lose these guys." He called to the droid, reaching above him to switch on a panel.

Artoo gave a beeping reply and swiveled his dome, before anything else could happen two of the opposing fighters appeared in front of him, firing away. Anakin pushed the stick to the floor, sending the fighter into a steep dive. Atroo wailed in response, he hated these types of fights, he could barely compute anything that was going on around them.

The two continued on his tail, in response he sent the ship in a wide loop, coming back around them, and twisting past two tri-fighters.

A tight grin appeared on his face as one of the fighters exploded with the impact of the two tri-fighters.

Artoo let out another warning, this time as the missing fighter appeared directly in front of them! Before Anakin could react the robot managed to blast his right. wing to shreds. 

Inside the red warning light had come on, and Anakin was gripping the un-responsive controls. He did manage to blast the fighter to pieces,rendering him in the clear for a few moments. 

"Artoo, give me a status report buddy!" He called out tensely, his attention focused on keeping the ship in control. 

The little droid beeped mournfully, and the translation rolled on the screen in front of Anakin. 

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