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"crap, morning already." kaito rubbed his eyes in annoyance

"kaito come down now its time to eat and you have school!"kaitos mom yelled from downstairs

kaito responded "okay I'm coming down."

kaito went down the stairs and went to the table with his bed hair. His mom came to the table and said "here's your breakfast sweetie" "thanks mom" kaito said and dragged the plate towards him.

"well time to dig in, thanks for the meal." kaito said  "is it good kaito?" Kaito's mom asked kaito responded" yeah its great thanks" kaito smiled

After finishing the meal, he went to his room and put on his headphones and searched for piano music that was relaxing. Kaito tapped on one and closed his eyes and sat down on his bed. ah, relaxing...

After a few minutes his dad came into his room and said "kaito are you at scho- WHAT ARE DOING YOUR ALMOST LATE FOR SCHOOL! hurry up and get changed." I shot his eyes open and replied "okay okay I'll get changed" he took off his pajamas and went into the shower and as time went on

kaito went out of the shower and dried himself and put his school uniform on. He grabbed his bag and brushed his teeth and ran out the door.

" BYE MOM AND DAD" He yelled

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