Love is GOD ...
yes! I agree! I love God we need To Love God.
Cause Without HIM we are NOTHING!
They Said :
A relationship with God is a relationship, with, GOD!. It is a growing developing unity with the creator of all things. It is a relationship on all levels. It is intimate, loving, respectful, honoring and unifying. It is personal, it is enduring, and it is honest. It is giving over self to gain Jesus. It is a relationship of creator and created, Father and child, Husband and wife. It is passionate, compassionate, rich, uplifting, healing, strengthening and satisfying. A relationship with God builds unity with God. Oneness with the creator, where an exchange takes one into the divine life. We exchange our weakness for His strength, our sorrow for His joy, our loneliness for His unity and belonging, our ignorance for his knowing, our foolishness for His wisdom, our anxiety for His peace, our frustration for His completion, our hopelessness for His hope, our Brokenness for His togetherness, our problems for His solutions, our slavery for His freedom, our pain for His love.
There are many people who have come to God for salvation but only know of God and do not enjoy a personal, intimate, living, relationship with Him. They understand that Jesus died on the cross but fail to understand why. Understanding what he did does not necessarily imply an understanding of why He did it and therefore, does not necessarily translate into life experience. When Jesus took the punishment for our sins He did not do it so we could escape hell and go to heaven. Jesus came and died so that we could have a relationship with the Father. Of course having a relationship with God means that we live with him, where He is, which is heaven. Eternal life in heaven is a byproduct of being involved in a relationship with God. As with all of the Kingdom of God the relationship comes first, as a result of this relationship many wonderful things flow into our lives. These things come as we grow and develop into the image of our Father. Everything that comes from God is because of a relationship with God. A relationship that is based on trust, honor, respect and communication.
Intimacy with the Father requires honesty with Him, trust that He loves you and only wants to build you and support you and make you whole. He wants to free you from the lies and bondage's that hinder you from growth into His image. Making a decision to accept Jesus as your savior means nothing if you are not willing to walk a path of intimacy with your new Father. Not that it is a burdensome requirement that needs to be fulfilled so that you gain eternal life. No, it is a joy and the highest call on humanity to live a life in union with their creator, Father. That is why Jesus came, that is why He submitted to the cross, so that we could come to the Father and begin to grow in intimacy with Him. That is the only valid reason to accept Jesus offer of forgiveness.
A relationship with God is for here and now, we do not need to wait for heaven. When we live in a relationship with God we live in Heaven here. As we grow close to Him we take on the character of Him, we start to live like him as well. This is the true path of prosperity in every way. As we grow into the image of God we attract the things of the light and repel the things of the darkness. We start living as children of God instead of children of satan. Not by trying to impose rule upon rule and law upon law but by an internal change that accompanies a deepening relationship with God. We need not struggle as a leopard trying to change his spots, which is impossible and only brings frustration and self condemnation.
We only need concern ourselves with our relationship with God and allow our inward person to change which will be reflected in external behavioral change.
Remember We are nothing without GOD!
God is always previous, God is always there first, and if you have any desire for God, and for the things of God, it is God himself who put it there.
Short StoryHow can we be sure that we really love someone? FOR you LOVE IS WHAT? Why him? Why her? Is there one person out there made just for me?don't forget to FAN.VOTE.LIKE.TWEET.SHARE.God Bless.Love. This storybook was a informing you about Love , so thank...