If you couldn't tell from the photo up there I'll give you a hint: Floor Ice cream.
Need another?: Non-existent fourth wallYou know what I'm just gonna say.
It's Kid Icarus, ( specifically Uprising ) why? Because of the Non-existent fourth wall and the humor in it just makes me laugh
Super Bash Sisters.......- tries to hold laughter - pfffffftttt - miserably fails because of my horrible sense of humor -My humor is more dry than any desert.... Just to let you know.
Why are you still here? The chapter is done. You can go read something else...or wait for the next chapter...
What are you waiting for something? Ok! You got me here
Have a Palutena with those adorable snuggle muffins( ´ ∀ ')ノ~ ♡
My life ( So Far ) as a gaming child
Non-Fictionsoooo hey there... I was bored and wanted to make a book about me and my life growing up playing video games and how they shaped me into.....well me!