chapter 8

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I woke up and went to take a shower I put on my clothes and eat breakfast then I went
Back to school I waited outside for Lisa as soon as she came we both started walking towards
The school building

I went to my locker and put all my things inside it as I was putting my books inside. a group of
Boys went passed us they were all tall and good looking I'm guessing they are  really popular since
All the girls were screaming when they walked past us

Y/n: who are they?

Lisa: oh them? There some of jungkook's friends

Y/n: so more jerks? Why do they like him anyway

Lisa: well obviously there good looking

Y/n: not for me..

Lisa: oh y/n?

Y/n:  yeah?

Lisa: why did you leave early yesterday?

Y/n: my brother and I had to go somewhere with his friends

Lisa: oh okay, cool

As we were talking yoongi came towards us

Yoongi: hey

Lisa: heyyy

Yoongi: umm y/n can I talk to you in private?

Y/n: yeah sure

Yoongi held my wrist and took me outside the building near these beautiful flowers ang tall grasses
And spoke to me

Yoongi: so about yesterday..

Y/n: about why I left early?

Yoongi: no..I mean my confession

Y/n: oh umm yoongi I still need more time about it

Yoongi: of course just call me anytime

Y/n: thanks yoongs

Yoongi: no problem pigtail kid

Y/n: pigtail kid?

Yoongi: yeah remember? When we were kids you always wore pigtails

Y/n: oh yeah I like wearing those

Yoongi: haha yeah I better head back to class see you later y/n!

Y/n: bye!


She watched yoongi as he went inside the school building until she couldn't see him anymore she
Didn't forget about her childhood friend she didn't forget about him she just didn't think it would be
Him after all those years he Was just here in Seoul attending this high school she missed those years
Where the three of them played With each other they could always depend on each other they
Could not be separated they always had each other's back but they drifted apart in middle school
Her family had To keep moving houses when she transferred new schools she tried making new
Friends but it Wasn't the same She was used to yoongi's presence that it was hard for her to go on a
Day With out him she Used to cry Every day Because she missed him dearly no matter how many
Friends She Made it could never fill That Hole In her heart but now that he's here again she feels like
That hole In Heart is finally filled again completely it was a nice feeling to have back it really was.

She decided it was time for her to go back inside the school building and continue on with her day and
Went To her next classes as she was approaching her classroom she bumped into one of the guys she
Saw Earlier She looked up at him he was tall and had fair skin he also had thick eyebrows and he was
Very Good looking And he also looked familiar

???: sorry I didn't see where I was going..wait you look oddly familiar

Y/n: too

???: are you perhaps hoseok's sister?

Y/n: yes! How did you know

???: I think we met at the restaurant the other day

Y/n: oh yeah it was nice meeting you

???: you too by the way what's your name?

Y/n: it's y/n, you?

???: taehyung, Kim taehyung

Y/n: oh nice meeting you taehyung I better go back to class I don't wanna be late

Taehyung: of course see you around y/n

Y/n: bye!

She walked away from their conversation and walked back towards her classroom on her way she was
Blocked by another familiar figure she squinted her eyes so she could see the person better she saw
The figure getting closer and closer to her next thing you know the person was standing in front of her
She looked up and saw a very familiar face it was jungkook but for some reason he looked even more
Handsome that usual.. but what was the reason for that?

My bully jungkook  || j.jkff (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now