Chapter 20

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I put my phone inside my pocket and start heading inside our new house to take a
Look at it, just then I heard my brother call me so I turned around and look at him
With a confused face

"What are you doing?" He asked playing with his phone

"I'm just going to take a look" i answered "want to come?" I asked going inside
The houses

"Nah," he answered going back in the car

"Pfft why even come here" I asked myself while walking towards the house

I entered the house going straight into the kitchen looking around at how big the fridge
was and how long the dining table was wow..I wonder how many food we can fit in here
I opened the fridge scanning it looking at all the food inside rice cakes, kimchi, chicken
wahhhh my mouths getting watery it wouldn't hurt to take a bite, I mean this is our house
Anyways, just as I was about to take one chicken my mom called me wanting me to go
Back into the car

I went back inside the car my dad starting the engine and drive away back to our house
For now, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and started scrolling through my news
Feed and saw yeri post another picture with her so called boyfriend ugh I hate that girl
So much she's so full of her self just beacause yoongi complimented her maybe twice
She thinks that she's sooo pretty I dont know why the girl hates my guts but I have my
Reason on why I hate her

I think my brother heard me murmuring about yeri posting another picture on
Instagram since he keeps looking at me weirdly and asked me why I was
Murmuring I couldn't think of an excuse so I ended up telling him anyways

"Yeri" I simply told him still looking at the picture

"Hmm" he replied looking at the tinted window

"Don't you hate her?" I asked looking at him confused

"Yes..but sometimes you just have to be the bigger person and forgive them
For doing something unforgivable.." he replied looking down and started playing
With his fingers

"But..doesn't it hurt" I asked looking at him playing with his fingers

"..." he didn't reply he just bit his lip and stared back at the window

"I see.." I said paying my attention back to my phone and started scrolling on
Instagram again

~flash back to 16 years ago~

It's The 6th of January today that means it's my birthday! I'm turning 11 today! I'm so
Excited I'm gonna see yoongi again and we're gonna play with my brother all day long
Some people say I should grow up but I don't want to yet I wanna enjoy my youth and
Besides theirs still a lot of time for growing up but for now I just wanna enjoy my youth

I was walking over to yeri's  house today to invite her to my birthday since she always
Forgets it but it's okay though as long as I know that she doesn't forgets it on purpose
Besides she my bestest friend! So she wouldn't lie to me. I walked to their door step and
Was about to ring her door bell but I over heard her talking about something so I leaned
In a little closer to hear what she was saying and saw that she was with another girl

I heard her talking something about me I smiled thinking that she was bragging about
How great of a friend I least I wish that's what she was talking about...

"OMG, I can't stand y/n!" Her friend told her brushing her hair

"I know me too" yeri replied whiles looking at the calendar with a disgusted expression

My bully jungkook  || j.jkff (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now