Chapter 25

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❗️ since one of you commented on a previous chapter asking how jin died here it is❗️

Jin's P.O.V

I've always knew there was something wrong with me and I wasn't like the other kids that
I hang out with. All of my family members were perfect except for me and I always knew
That. One day I told our mom I've been feeling sick lately so she took me to the doctors

"Ms. Kim I've got for you"

"What is it?" Is it bad??"

After their talk mom went outside and gave me the result and apparently I wasn't healthy
As they thought I was, when I was born the doctors and nurses told mom that there was
Something wrong but they just couldn't figure it out, and the doctor told mom that I had
Something that made me forget easily. And that I had a weaker immune system

So when I got sick I would heal slower than other kids and sometime that would be dangerous

"Oppa!" Y/n called downstairs

"Hmm what is it?"

"Let's go to the park today!"

"Sure dongsaeng"

"Oppa look at the ducks!"

"Yeah they look just like you"

"Ya! My mouth is not that big!"

"I'm just joking!"

"You better be"



"Can you help me with my homework?"

"Ah hoseokie I'm not that good in math"

"Ahh hyung it's just addition, please?"

"Fine, come here"

"Oppa, do you wanna go get some ice cream after school?"

"Sure, let's take hoseokie with us"

I knew I wasn't gonna live forever but I always wanted to live and see the day my
siblings would find their lovers but I knew I couldn't because of my illness

I wanted to make them the happiest person in the world but I always thought
I was a downfall to them.

"Oppa! Happy 14th birthday! Hurry blow your cake!"

"Wah y/n did you make this?"

"Ani, hoseok Oppa helped me!"

"That nice"

"Here open your gift!"

"Wow, a sweater thanks y/n!"

I thought it was all fine until y/n's birthday, I started feeling sick and dizzy
I couldn't see Well it looked like the room was spinning it made me nauseas I
Wanted to throw up, but I didn't want to tell mom because she would take me to
The hospital

I wasn't scared or anything I just didn't want to tell mom because this was y/n's
Birthday it was suppose to be her day where everyone should focus on her and I
Didn't want to take that away from her so eventually....

I lost everything, I lost my y/n, I lost my hoseok I lost my family

I lost the people whom I loved and I couldn't go back to them anymore ..

But at least I could watch them from above...

A/n: did I make you cry?

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