The World of non-Technology

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Hey everybody this is CARPBOY009 HERE With some news!

Ok for those of you who don't know or are confused allow me to explain.

A while ago i was offered $1,000 to write an IRONMAN/INFINITE STRATOS crossover. I really wasn't into it and actually had a couple of chapters, short compared to what i normally write which is like 6,000-10,000 a chapter. What can i say i get into this kinda thing. I should start my own novel.

Anyway i wrote a couple chapters and were about to update them when a storm knocked the power out in my house while i was gone. I get home and i realized that everything, from that story and my other stories i had written and not saved, EVERYTHING WAS GONE!

I explained what happened to the people that i talked to and also explained that i couldn't, no i wouldn't write something i didn't have pleasure in writing the first time.

Best part is, they understood so they offered me something i actually found intriguing.

An Iron Man/Avatar Last airbender crossover.

This... Actually got my childhood a little bit. So much so that i'm writing the story aren't I?

So now i'm writing a story involving one of the best Marval heros with one of the best cartoon shows ever. I'm pretty sure no one has done this before. I'm not really gonna check because a i honestly don't want to know. So, without further adue. Here is the story of... The next... I don't know, twenty minutes depending on how fast you read.

FYI this is still not a priority story, i'll update whenever I feel like on this one so it may be a while for new chapters. if you like it you'll have to deal with it.

This is a Fanfiction BUY THE MERCHENDICE!

"Eeuurah..." As conciousness started to come back the feeling of pain in his chest was felt. The same kind of pain you feel when you hold your breath too long. He could feel the blood being pumped into his legs as he was starting to feel them again. There was muffled noise heard as he tried to catch his barrings. He looked around to see white fluffy... Wait those were clouds... Huh.

"SIR!" his hearing was coming back as he could hear the familiar voice of the AI. "SIR! Are you alright!?" The voice asked absolutly worried. "Eeyah... I'm good. JARVIS?" He asked wanting a responce. "Thank heavens you're alright. I'm afraid we have a problem." "Ah, what's the matter? Power running low?" "No Sir, we appear to be falling." As he said this the man looked down to see the clouds were franticly flying past him and the surface of the earth was seen heading straight for him. "Oh-" The man said flailing his arms and legs in sight panic before catching himself and thinking.

Tony Stark was prepared for situations like this. Drunk flying was something that was a bad habit in the past.

"Where are my thrusters?" He asked trying to think of a quick escape plan. "Sir, i don't know what happened but the suit was rebooted, the thrusters are charging. At our current pace we will reach the ground at 85%. The odds of surviving are-" "Deploy shutes!" Tony shouted as he pulled the small knob on his leg. Several metal panels stuck out to create a small metal stabalizer for the free falling avenger. "How much time JARVIS? Talk to me." He said as the AI replied. "The thrusters will be fully charged at 36 meters from the ground." Tony looked down to see the ground still rapidly approaching faster than he liked. "Alright put all power into the thrusters and as soon as they reach 100 fire them off and find me a place to land." "Yes Sir." The AI replied as Tony started to prepare himself for the worst. "This is gonna be close..." He said. He watched the numbers climb as he fell further and faster with every second. The numbers were closing in. 95. 96. 97. 97 98. 99- "JARVIS PUNCH IT!" He shouted and heard the familiar sound of the thrusters kicking off with his face a few feet from the ground. He looked up quickly to see he was running into the trees of the forest he was falling into. "Oh Sh-" before he could even finish his curse he ran into several large trees all falling and flying as he crashed into them. "Pull up, pull up, pull up, pulluppulluppullup!" He said as he tried to position himself where he could actually fly over the trees. After one last loud thud over his head he broke past the tree line and slowed himself down to a hover. He took a quick breather to look around to find a place to land. He needed solid ground to think right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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