• 22: Dream •

17 2 1

"Missed me?", he asks with a smirk. W-what do you mean?", i asked nervously, he scoffed. He walks towards me, smiling, every step of his, i backed until my back hit the wall. He puts his arm on the side of my head, leaning. "I said, did you missed me?", he says looking at me, but i avoid contact.

He was leaning closer.


He held my right cheek, and —

"Yanna? Yanna! YANNA!", Danica was on the other side of the bed shaking me to wake up, "Unnie! What happened?", she asks.

Thank god it was just a dream.

I was about to reply, but was cut off by Yoongi holding a spatula, wearing an apron, "BABE! WHAT HAPPENED?!", he asks while yelling and catching his breath.

I shook my head, "Nothing, h-happen", i replied, "But what's with the Babe?", i asked, he looked quite surprised with my question, but answered it, "I'm your boyfriend, Yanna", with a glare.

"So?", i asked jokingly, he scoffed. Danica clears her throat, "Excuse me? For crying out loud i'm still fucking here!", she says.

"Watch you're shitty mouth", Yoongi says swaying the spatula, cute.

Ok, so this is a very short chapter, i'll make the next chapter long, i promise!
Sorry rn, for late updates, it's a friday today, 7:30 pm. And school? Ughh.

Welp. Other than that?

Happy birthday to me!😂❤️


Missing You; PJM Where stories live. Discover now