Your p.o.v

Most of people think if you tell somebody your secrets,he or she won't keep the secret. Well,I met an amazing person. His name was Jimin. Jimin was my only best friend. We shared everything . I trusted him. We always were together. We did a lot things together and we lived next to each other. It was very nice that our parents were friends too and we could go in trip together or something like this. Everything was good,till Jimin had to move. I was so sad. My only friend was going to leave me.
He promised me we will talk everyday. And we call at two weeks...yeah,but at least I could hear his soft voice.
Time passed and we didn't talk. Actually we stopped talking. He was busy with school ,just like me.  I tried to focus on school,but I couldn't. Jimin was always in my mind. I was worried for him. Did he eat? Did he sleep? I tried to call him,but he didn't answer me. Well,maybe he is busy. After a week he called me. He said he changed his phone number and that's why he didn't pick up my calls. Also he told me he's gonna move,again. And he won't be able to talk with me. Actually,he said he didn't want to talk with me anymore. Jimin said that he couldn't handle this anymore.   Great. Now,I really lost him.

My parents are always traveling. They work a lot and I barely see them. But it's okay,I don't complain. I like the freedom. I am free,I can do whatever I want. It's really cool. 

today is a rainy day.  I don't like when it rain.I made some tea and I'm gonna watch a movie. While I was watching the movie,I heard a knock in my door.I didn't want to leave my soft bed but the person knocked again. i went and I  opened the door. I saw that a new family is gonna move next to my house. They have a boy,around my age,I think. I couldn't see his face because he hid it. the person was,I  think his mother. 

'hello! I'm park Jiya. Me and my family just moved around. You are kim y/n?' the lady said.

'how do you know who am i?' i asked her. It's like I heard this name before,but I'm not sure.

'do you remeber jimin? I'm his mother. We moved here and i talked with your parents. they said you......' i couldn't listen her anymore because I couldn't believe. jimin is here,moving next to my house. jimin is back with me. jimin came back to me. but I don't understand. why he didn't tell me? maybe he wanted to surprise me. but why he didn't come and me and instead her mother came? 

'y'n? do you wanna come and see jimin?'she asked me .

'YESS' I yelled and run to his house. I entered the house  and i saw a pink soft hair. i didnt know he would ever dye his hair pink.   He always said that pink is for girls. he turned around and all i could do was to jump on him and hug him very tight. he didnt hug me back. i was surprised by that, i thought he would hug me but he didnt. he just stayed and he didnt even look at me. i took his hand and i looked into those brown soft eyes and i asked him:'whats wrong?' he just let me there,staing like a little child who was abandoned and wondering if i did something bad. I missed him so much and now ,after many years,when we are back together,he just let me....he abandoned me...

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