Mummy's home- Michael/Jeremy

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Just to be clear, this is based purely off the musical, not the book. I have  read the book, btw. I just really like the idea of creating my own version of Jeremy's mum. Please enjoy!



Jeremy's eyes flew open and his head shot up as he heard the shout, only to find the top of his head was blocked by Michael's jaw. He groaned in pain, clutching the top of his skull and looking around to find out why he'd been shouted.

The two boys were tangled together, their legs intertwined and Jeremy's head resting on Michael's chest. Even Jeremy's unaggravated assault on his jaw didn't wake Michael up; he just mumbled a little and nuzzled his nose into Jeremy's hair.

Not that their relationship was the problem. Jeremy's dad had accepted them long ago.

"Jeremy, untangle yourself from Michael!" Jeremy's dad shouted from the stairs. Jeremy turned his head to see his dad was actual real-life literal pants on. He looked nervous, sweating and wringing his hands. "She's back."

Jeremy sat straight upright, careful to avoid Michael this time.

"No," he said, his voice hushed.

"Wha'...?" Michael slurred, blinking blearily and wincing as he held his jaw. "Why does my mouth hurt?"

"Sorry, that was me," Jeremy replied, unable to keep the smile off his face as he looked at his boyfriend.

"Look, boys, you gotta stop this," Mr Heere said, fidgeting in front of them. Michael gave him a strange look. "She's back, Michael, and you know what she's like."

"What, the homophobic bitch who left when Jeremy came out as bi?" Michael spat, his face contorting in disgust.

"Yes, her," Jeremy said, untangling himself unwillingly from his boyfriend. Michael whined a little. "Look, Mikey, it's just easier if we pretend to be just best friends until she decides to leave."

"Fine," Michael said grudgingly, getting up and pulling a shirt and pants on much to Jeremy's displeasure as Jeremy's mother appeared at the top of the stairs.

She was tall and slender, much like her son. That's where the resemblance stopped, however. She was platinum blond, very clearly dyed and with an inch of makeup on her face. She was sneering at Michael, who was very rumpled and looking around blindly for his glasses, his hands slapping around on the floor and the snack table. Jeremy stiffened as she surveyed the room.

"This room is atrocious, Jerry," she said, shaking her head and tutting as she made her way down the stairs. Jeremy winced at the use of his shortened name. "Why don't you make him clean it from time to time, Paul?"

Jeremy's dad made a weird noise.

Jeremy's mum made her way over to her son, pulling him into a hug. Jeremy refused to return it, watching Michael's ass as he crouched down, now looking underneath the sofa for his glasses.

"Hello, mother," Jeremy said in a cold voice.

"I've missed you, Jerry," she whispered in his ear; the hair on the back of Jeremy's neck stood on end. He had to escape her. Luckily, him spotting Michael's glasses provided him with an escape route. He wriggled out of his mother's grip and knelt down next to Michael. The glasses were just next to the shorter boy's knee.

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