Chapter One: dick with legs

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Izzy's p.o.v
So, here we were. As a terrible terrible consequence of our actions we were now all kneeling in the fucking gravel at an ungodly hour because Rick can't get along with people.

It's not all ricks fault entirely, I mean Daryl did blow up some of Negan's men with an RPG . But that's besides the point.

The point is because this cocksucker has a God complex and a strict dictatorship attitude, I've got to witness one of my family members be beat to death with a bat. Or maybe ill be the one beat to death, we've got some exciting things coming that's for sure.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Some weirdo with an ugly mustache snapped in front of my face. I think his names simon? "No. No I wasn't" I snapped back making rick groan beside me, he knew where this was headed. Simon rolled his eyes and stood up, "whatever" he sighed in annoyance.

Simon the 6'3 dick on legs stood before us and yelled something before walking over to an rv and banging on the door. The door swung open and out came the man, the myth the legend. Negan? That's negan. That's not what id seen coming, I was expecting someone scary not someone's sugar daddy. "Who's that?" I yelled in confusion, this couldn't be negan, impossible. Negan. Simon repeated,seeming quite tired of my attitude. "Well could you ask dicktree over there to get the fuck out of the way so I can see negan too?" I asked, not bettering the situation for any of us.

This made him laugh (simon of course got defensive because he's a sensitive pussy) but negan laughed. "Oh man oh man,I like you" he said,making me cringe. "Gross" I mumbled quietly. Negan began to go on a long winded rant on how we killed his people and how now he was gonna have to beat the "holy hell" out of one of us. God if he keeps this charade up I hope it's me. He went quiet for a second and looked over at me, smirking. "Unless of course this beautiful girl wants to come work for me." He said, gesturing over to me. I sighed in disgust, of course he'd say some shit like that. And now I had to, or run the risk of Carl or Maggie dying brutally. So,I reluctantly and much to uncle ricks dismay, agreed. I had to, and id see my family again. One day. Eventually right? Probably not.

Negan of course had one of his men try and grab me to load me into the back of a moving truck once I said a quick goodbye and stood up. I yanked my arm away harshly, "I know how to walk" I snapped, walking over to the back of the moving truck and climbing in. They threw Daryl in too and slammed the door shut. After about five minutes of awkward silence I began to speak "were go-" I was cut off by the sound of yelling and the sound of someone's head getting caved in. I screamed in protest and went to bang on the door to try and open it, Daryl had to restrain me from opening the door and ripping someone head off. So I sat there, sobbing in Daryl's arms for what seemed like an eternity before the truck started and began to go somewhere.

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