Chapter 3: some fucking eggs

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Izzy's p.o.v

Day 1 of probably the rest of my life, complete. I just sat in the room all day, not even leaving for dinner. And surveyed my surroundings as best I could. And now it's time for bed, in an actual bed. With blankets in nice pajamas. "Wow what a blessing, it's not like we eveerrrrr had this at Alexandria I should be worshipping the ground negan walks on for this goddamn privilege" I mumbled bitterly to myself as I slid into bed and turned off the light by my bedside.

As I drifted off into sleep I thought of my family, food, weapons I wanted, how nice it'd be to have Negan's head on a stick, shaving for the first time in awhile, many things crossed my mind but the one thing that just kept popping up was negan. "Fucking dickhead" I mumbled to myself as I finally drifted off into sleep.

I was awoken from a pleasant dream with a start. There was a series of loud bangs from my door, it was negan. Fucking cocksucker it's got be 5:30 am right now. "What?!" I yelled back still half asleep and annoyed. "Breakfast!" He yelled back, clearly my half asleep ass didn't quite understand what he'd meant because all I yelled back was "some fucking eggs" before falling back asleep.

When my body naturally woke up which was around when I could only guess was 7:30 to 8:30 I looked over at my bedside and found a small tray with a plate and a note I picked up the note first and groggily read it "here's your fucking eggs- Negan"Besides the note there was a plate of (now cold) scrambled eggs with salt and a single daisy in a glass of water.

I sat up and groaned, rubbing my eyes and carefully picking up the tray. I wolfed down the eggs with salt like it's my last meal on death row, because let's face it. It may as well be. And then got up to go look in the closet for an outfit that wasn't covered in dirt and blood. I found one and then trudged to the bathroom, still sort of half asleep.

I crossed my fingers and pulled on the shower faucet, to my delight water came rushing out of the shower head. I made sure I had a towel and razor to shave and quickly jumped in. The water was warm too, I took extra time to savor the water and soap before finally having to get out of the shower to answer a knock at the door. I wrapped myself in my towel and yanked my rooms door open, who else would it be but negan.

"Whoa honey I didn't know you felt THAT way" negan joked, I didn't want to laugh but the guy had a sense of humor that's for sure. "what's up?" I asked, leaning on the door a bit. "Well may I come in?" Negan asked, this made me sigh as I knew it wasn't a question. I let him in and went back to the bathroom to get dressed in the clean clothes. "Well you see honey I feel my right hand man isn't my right hand man, I feel that he just may betray me. Now he could be bitter from when I scalded half his face with a hot iron but who knows. So now that you're here, id love for you to become my new right hand man, because I can apparently trust one of ricks men better than my own" negan explained through the shut bathroom door.

I finished getting dressed and opened the door to stare at him. "Really?" I snapped in utter disbelief, thinking he was joking or lying. His face was serious though. "My dear I joke about a lot, but I never joke about loyalty. And I figure if I give you a bit of authority and power around here you'll warm up to it quicker. So what do you say? You in?" Negan asked, a cocky smile on his face. I bit the inside of my cheek while I weighed the pros and cons for a second, quickly and without even thinking I agreed. Making negan grin and clap his hands together. "That is the best news I think I've ever heard darling, welcome to the A team"

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