chapter twelve

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The next day at nine a.m exactly we leave accompanied by Remus Lupin and Tonks, i'm not very fond of Lupin but i like Tonks a lot

-it's right around the corner- i tell Hermione since she's in the lead, once there we buy our tickets and go change our shoes for ice skates, i help almost everyone get their laces tied then they wobble to the ice rink door i cross first and help the others they're all very wobbly but at least no one falls down

-jesus its like a death trap- Ron says and Hermione scowls at him

-told you it wasn't easy- she complains

-okay come on, to move you glide- i teach them but not even five minutes later they're all falling down, except Ginny and Harry they get the hang of it, i grab Freds hand and Georges hand and i pull them along until they sort of get the hang of it, i leave Hermione and Ron alone on purpose so that they can teach each other by hold hands to get the hang of it, we complete our first lap and Ginnys already mastered it

-come on Fred!- she holds her hands before her as she skates backwards and waits for Fred to catch up with her, he seems reluctant to let go of my hand but i push him softly forward

-when did you learn to skate?- Fred asks when he reaches her

-dad had some skates and in the winter there was a lake where i could practice-

-why didn't we get to try?- George pouts

-because he only has one pair and they don't fit you- she laughs and skates backwards

-Ginny!- i yell at her she stops -you, me a race loser buys ice cream on the way back- she smiles

-gladly- we take positions and were off, Ginnys fast i didn't think she'd be that fast so i put on a burst of speed and get an advantage on the first turn we're head and head in the second and when the turn straightens i get ahead but on the third turn she gets ahead of me, we're almost to the finish line so i make my special move to add speed and barely make it before her

-you're... Good- i say between gasps

-you... Too- she says equally exahusted we meet up with the rest, they have their mouths hanging open

-you two are very scary you know- Ron says and we laugh

-let's go home- Fred says and no one disagrees, we trade our skates for our  shoes i signal Lupin who signlas Tonks and we leave. On the way back we laugh and joke around i stay a little to the back and eye every road and person that comes near, call me paranoid but one can never be too careful and thank god for my paranoia.

-get down!- i shout i immediately make a dome above them Harry tries to come and help but i push him back and close the dome in front of him and i see the death eater he emmerges from around the corner and immediatly starts to send spell after spell at us Lupin takes him and Tonks takes the other one that appears on the other corner, too late i realize the ambush from in front of me steps out a third death eater and raises his wand at me i have sand swirling all around me ready for anything, i send some sand towards him secretly and then he sends his first spell my shield immediatly reacts and deflects the spell i need a few minutes and my sand'll catch him i send a spike of sand at him but he dodges it stepping to the side i move the spike and aim for his back he jumps and rolls in front of him and the spike goes way above his head but he landed on my sand, too late he realizes this, i lift my hands and the sand swirls around his ankles, his thighs, his torso, his hands and disarms him, his neck and his face then it starts to make a cocoon around him winding tighter and tighter like a boa constrictor until finally the cocoon swallows him completly, i have my hands streched out before me my palms open, when my sand stops i close my hands and the sand tightens fast and hard, blood sips through the sand and starts to pool on the ground where he had stood, i take away the sand and his limp body falls to the ground

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