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Two years later

Over the last two years I was a spy for Dumbledore almost like Snape but Voldemort knew of my treason, many have tried to kill me and have failed losing their lives instead. For two years the only company I've had is that of killers, werewolfs, giants, trolls, death eaters and Voldemort. Now two years later after the battle of Hogwarts I find myself in the cementary, tears flow freely as I kneel in front of his grave and lay his favorites, I put some prank merchandise from his store and smile at the distant memories that seem a life time ago. I caress the tombstone and cry quietly I remeber all the great times I had with him the secret dates we had and the terrible times like him loosing his ear and then his death, I remember it like it was yesterday.

The battle was raging all around me but I only cared about him about finding him and when I did it was right before the explosion as he made peace with his brother, as the wall in front of him exploded and fell on him, I stared horrorstruck as his brothers started to desperately dig for him only to find him gone but with a smile on his face, I left then and there I couldn't bare to see him like that not when I could remember the smiling man he had been.

I went to the funeral and cried with the rest of his family, they all welcomed me and allowed me to cry for him I couldn't bare to see George, whenever I saw him him I'd see Fred and my heart would ache uncotrolably now that he was gone, since then I've kept his memory alive, I've made millions of drawings of him and sculptures and always cry as I finish them.

Draco has stood by my side comforting me through everything. I feel as though I've gone a little crazy, I fear I've lost some of my humanity, now a days I hunt down deatheaters and fellow followers of my dead father, I don't turn them in to the ministry I only deliver their corpses to their front door.

-Alice- a sweet voice says behind her she turn and sees him and cries harder

-oh Fred!- she cries and hugs him -I thought you were gone forever- George broken hearted can't bare to tell her that she's mistaken him for Fred, instead he wraps his arms around her and whispers in her ear

-I'd never be able to leave you honey- she cries harder onto his shoulder George pats her hair and whispers what he knows his twin would have said to her in this moment, she stops crying and breaks away from George her face scrunches in confusion

-who are you?- she asks -what am I doing here?- George chokes back a sob and tells her the truth -I'm George you dated my brother until he died, you've burried his memory and cracked you own memory, the only thing you remember clearly is Fred my twin- he smiles trying hard not to cry

-Fred?- she asks -who's Fred?-

-your boyfriend- George answers and she suddenly smiles

-you know I had a wonderful boyfriend- she smiles crying at the same time -he always bought me chocolate and made me laugh but- she furrows her eyebrows -but he's gone now, he died in a horrible war and I miss him so much- she smiles and looks to the tombstone then back to George and her eyes widden in surprise

-George what are you doing here?- she asks

-same thing as you- he says brushing away her tears

-it seems like so long ago- they stand together in front of the tomb -almost a life time-

-it does- he kisses her head and she pushes him playfully away

-Fred- she giggles and turns to look at George -you came back for me-

-I told you I would didn't I?- George says smiling sadly at her at the poor mad girl that used to be so full of life, that used to bring such joy to his twin he gently touches her cheek and she beams up at him -I kept my promise- she laughs and hugs him

-you did- she says and sighs -thank you George- she kisses his cheek and touches the tomb sadly and disapparates leaving George Weasley wondering if she knows how mad she is and wonders how that sweet girl has gone insane, he touches the tomb of his twin and smiles

-I'll take care of her like I promised to- he says and walks back in silence and lonelyness back to his house whispering at the end of the graveyard -I solumnly swear I am up to no good-

Thank you all for reading I really appreciate it. If you like this one check out the triwizard championship which is before this one in Harry Potters fourth year

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