4~Let's end this

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Apink Namjoo seen dating with an unknown guy nearby Plan A Entertainment building.

Namjoo and the guy were seen lovey-dovey at the cafe. Plan A still has no statement about this.

 Plan A still has no statement about this

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"I guess you know why you are both here" My CEO said to us. Namjoo was also called in CUBE because their company was a subsidiary of CUBE.

We were caught dating by Dispatch and I know where this would end.

"You two need to break-up. Before Sungjae gets known by the public. I know you two are in a relationship but think about your careers" What the hell? Break us up? No way. I'm sure Namjoo will say no as well.

"I'll leave you two now I still have a meeting. Talk about it now. I'll talk to your managers later" He left us in the room.

We were alone in the room. No one dared to talk. And the silence is loud that I broke it off.

"Namjoo-ah I don~" I was about to speak when

"Let's break up Oppa" She blurted out "I don't need these kind of scandals to begin with" she said tearing up

"But Namjoo-ah I don' want to break up with you. How about we go through it together?" I said to her smilling.

"Ani. Let's stop this thing Oppa. Career is what I need right now. I just can't risk that" She said to me firmly

"Career? Career? When will be the time that you will chose me? You know what? I don't really care about that damn career. I can sacrifice it for you but I guess we have a different thinking" I said shouting at her

"Arraso. Let's end it" I left the room and head to our dorm.


It has been a week since me and Namjoo broke up. At first I was really mad about it but thanks to my hyungs keeping me up and encouraging me.

"Oppa!Gwenchana? You seemed space out" I was snapped back  into reality when Joy spoke

"I was just thinking about something" i told her

"Ara. I keep on calling you but you don't even noticed me" She said sadly

"Mianhe. Such an aegi" I told her patting her head

"Aniyaaaa" she said while whining.


Sungjae-oppa change these week. He tried getting close to me and he is not distant anymore. Maybe because their CEO said so? But it feels so real. We were really close that what the audience see on cam is also what we are off cam. The staffs were really surprise of the sudden changes that happened to us. Even though we are close and I am so happy about that, Oppa seems spaced out and distracted.

"Cut!" The director shouted "That's it for today. Remember next week will be your wedding so be ready"

"Aigoo. This is so tiring" I said while sitting down on the sofa. We are here in our apartment

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