13~ This Chance

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I woke with a really bad headache. I looked around and noticed that I am not in my own room and remembered that I am at Sungjae oppa's apartment.

"Aish. What did I do last night? I am really not drinking again" I said while running my fingers in my hair

While I was still remembering what happened last night the door opened

"Oh you're awake finally" Sungjae said while handing me a medicine and water

"Drink that. I know your head hurts right now. You drank almost all the beer last night" he said

"Mianhe. I was just so tired that I wanted to relax" i said with an aegyo

"So that's what you called relax?" He said with a teasing laugh

I left his apartment safely and got back to my dorm.

As I was about to get near my dorm I saw Chanyeol oppa.

"Oppa!" I shouted as he turned to my direction

"Joyiah! Why are you here outside?" He asked confused

"I just got home I hang out with my bestfriend last night. So what are you doing here?" I said

"I texted you last night if you are free today but you did not respond, so I just go here" he said explaining

"Jinjja? I didn't receive any message. But oppa I have to apologize I really can't go today I just want to rest." I said sounding tired

I saw him giving me a sad smile.

"Gwenchana. I understand. Rest well Joyiah" he said sadly

He left and I enter my dorm and walk directly to my room and sleep once again.


I slept for an hour and fixed my self because I am planning to go to Sooyeong's dorm. Just like the old times. Surprise visits.

I drove to their dorm and tried entering the passcode they gave me and luckily it did not change.

As I opened the door I just hear her soft snores. This girl really. I walked up to her room to see her.

"Why do you look like an angel right now?" I said as I sit on the side of her bed.

I gently removed the hair in her face and I could feel my heart beating fast.

"Sooyeong-ah can you hear my heartbeat? Jinjja. It's beating really fast whenever I see you" I said softly

"But I can't waste our friendship. I just want you to be by my side till the end" I said

I saw her moved a little bit and I panicked thinking she heard what I said but luckily she is still like a baby sleeping.

She woke up around 30 minutes and I saw her walking out her dorm with a sleepy face but it faded when she saw me.

"Yah! What are you doing here? How did you come in?" She shouted at me

"Mwo? It's like I never did this before. Remember Irene noona gave me your passcode because I was always here hanging out" I said with a small laugh

"You and your excuses" she said annoyed

"I brought some food. Go eat some I know you are hungry that's why you are acting like that" I said walking up to her

"You can't bribe me this time with food" she said smirking

"Well then, I guess I should bring these foods home" I acted getting all the food and she suddenly hold my arms

"Don't you dare touch it or else I will ignore you for a year" she said

"Hey, I'm just kidding Ms. Park." I said making sure she was happy

I guess we should just be like this bestfriend scenario atleast I can show her how I love her in little ways even though she doesn't know it.

I was daydreaming when she snapped me out.

"Hey! You okay?" She asked concerned

"Ne. Just tired with all the schedules" i said

"Well, if that is the case. Then let's have a movie marathon today. Since it's my day off today and unnies and yeri are not here" she said getting giddy and excited

"Arraseo" I saif as I pat her head

We started watching chick flicks down to horror movies that I really really hate and she knows it and she just keeps on teasing me.

"Yah! I said no more horror movies" I said to her

"Wae? It's gonna be fun oppa. Come on. Man up" she said laughingly

"Ani. Sooyeong-ah" I just sometimes don't get her because we don't really watch the movie because of my often screams and her getting distracted to me


Here he goes again. Blabbering about not watching a horror movie but i like these movies because it makes oppa so scared I get to black mail him and the other one is just a special feature him getting really close to me.

He leans on me or we get a lot of skinships whenever he is so scared to the movie plus his nerve wrecking screams. Aish

I just love this side of him because he mostly shows me who he really is and not the idol Yook Sungjae of BTOB but the real one behind all those fame.

"Yah! You're spacing out" he said snapping me to reality

"I was just thinking about something" i said to him

"What is it?" He asked

"Should I give Chanyeol-oppa a chance?" I asked him wanting to see his reaction and hear what he want so say

"So, he is courting you now? Jinjja. You just ignored me for a month and then hear about this?" He said sounding sarcastically

"I don't know if he is courting me. And what do you intend on that Yook Sungjae?" I said with a little bitchy tone

"Nothing. I was just asksing." He said

"So what do you say?" I asked once again

"Do whatever you want Sooyeong-ah." He said sadly and started playing another movie

"Yah! I'm still asking you" I shouted at him

"Mwo? I don't freaking care Sooyeong-ah because I don't want you to be taken by somebody else" he said to me

"M..mw...Mwo?" Did I hear it right?


Hey Hi. I'm back people! Waaaaah. I miss writing this story. Please forgive me I've been so busy of school works. Being a graduating student is sure is hard. Hahahaha

Thank you for those who keep on supporting this story. I love you all.

I've made this chapter for like 3 weeks and just finished it now. Yea. I know. Hahahahaha. Did not proof read. Sorry for tue delay people

Please continue to give love for this story. And I will be doing a one shot *on the process* I don't when will I post it because the ending is still undecided.

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Peaz out!

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