20~ It's killing me

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Days, weeks and I just can't count the times that had been passed and here I am still waiting for his explanation, hoping, praying, and wishing that it was just a publicity act for the media. I can't contact him nor his member, I'm getting insane. I keep on going to his apartment but no one answered he even changed the passcode and it sucks because we don't have overlapping schedule to begin with.

"Oppa, are we still good?" I mumbled to myself

"Oppa, I miss you already. I just wanted to see you"

"Oppa, Am I a hindrance to you?"

"Oppa, please tell me the reason"

"Why are you being like this? I thought we are going through every problem together?

"Where are you now?"

"Oppa, do you still love her that's why you are together again?"

"Was I not enough Oppa?"

"Oppa, come out already jebal"

"I just wanted to know if you are doing well"

"Oppa, waeyo? Why is this even happening?"

"Mianhe, Sooyeongie. I don't want to hurt you anymore"


She's here again. She keeps on knocking on my door. I don't know what to do. She is hurting, she is crying because of me. It's killing me, she doesn't even deserve this. Is this pain even gonna end for the both of us?

*ring ring ring*


"Sungjae-ah, where are you?"

"Waeyo hyung?"

"Joyiah wanted to talk to you, can't you at least tell her what is happening"

"Ani hyung. Don't tell her please. I don't want to see her hurting because of this bullshit situation"

"Sungjae-ah, you do know that it is killing you both, right?"

"Hyung, I can't sacrifice your careers. I can't talk to her. I can't tell her"

"I talked to Irene, she's getting worst maknae-ah. She having her sleeping paralysis again and she doesn't even eat nowadays. They are worried not just to her but you also"

"Hyung, please comfort her. Jebal."

"Of course maknae-ah. Just tell her sooner."

*call ended*


"Yah! Park Sooyeong you should eat, why are you starving yourself?" Irene-unnie shouted with a hint of concern "You know we have so much schedules this week."

"I'm fine unnie. Don't mind me" I said lowly to them and entered the shower

As I entered the shower, I felt myself getting dizzy and my vision's getting black and I did not know what happened. The next thing I knew I fell.

I woke up feeling dizzy and I heard Wendy-unnie and Irene-unnie talking.

"I'll go to the company later. This is getting worst, she is not getting any better." Irene-unnie said

"Unnie don't you think it will danger the both of them?" Wendy-unnie said

"Because of what? Because of I know their reason, well Sooyeong-ah is not getting any better why should they keep on continuing this facade." Irene-unnie said sounding annoyed.

Wait, what reason are they talking about? Did something bad happened? What's happening? I heard them walking to my dorm and I acted as if I just woke up.

"Finally, you're awake Sooyeongie" Wendy-unnie said

"What happened?" I asked them

"You fainted in the shower. You made us so worried." Wendy-unnie hugged me

Irene-unnie tapped Wendy-unnie and Wendy-unnie left the room

"What's happening Sooyeong-ah? What are you doing this to yourself?" she asked me looking for answers "I am your unnie to listen and you know that"

"Mianhe unnie, I just don't know what is happening to me." I said

"Unnie, why is he like that? I mean he never said anything to me, if there is wrong or something."

"Did he really loved me? Was I just taken for granted unnie?

"We were doing well all these time and then suddenly I saw that article that she is back with her ex"

"He doesn't even given me an explanation, I keep on calling him and going to his apartment but I got nothing"

"He's stupid unnie, I hate him. I really hate him"

I cried and cried while talking and unnie just listened to me and hugging me.

"I waited for him for a long time, and till now I have to wait for him, Is this even possible?"

"But unnie, I hope he is happy. I don't want him to see sad. I don't want him to see me broken and I don't want him to feel guilty."

"Mianhe unnie. I'll be fixing myself now. Don't worry I'll be moving on" I said knowing that I am already a burden to my members being like this for the past weeks

"Sooyeong-ah take all the time you need. We are all here for you. Arraso? Just when Sungjae-ah is ready to explain please hear him out." She said while wiping my tears.

"Ne unnie." I said while smiling at her

"Okay. Eat up now, you lack on energy. Don't worry about your diet we got you, eat anything you want for today" Unnie said while giving me a hug

Hi hoomans! How have you been?
This is a short chapter because of my storyline. Hahaha. Mianhe.

I will be back probably on Saturday to update. So, thank you for your patience. Mua

Thank you for the comments really. It means so much to me. I am motivated by those.

Please leave your insights and suggestions for the next chapter so that I could see if I could put on your theories. Kamsa

Thank you for supporting this story always. Keep on sharing.

Bbyu 💚🐥

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