Chapter 9

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-How much did he tell you, Jack asks sitting on the couch.

-Nothing besides the fact that he's out of this shit and we can live normally, i answer.

-Why do you even are with him? He's rich right, but i'm soon too, Jack says.

-I don't love his money! i yell.

-You love him? Jack asks getting up. I nod as he walks closer to me stopping just in front of me.

-What do you want? i ask looking at him with all disgust i can.

-You, he whispers sliding his finger down to my neck.

-Never gonna happen, i laugh. He takes a couple of steps back taking a cigarette from his pocket. He sits down to the couch smoking there. I think about Zayn, who looks so attractive smoking, unlike Jack. He looks just arrogant and stupid. I hate him. Finally he speaks again.

-One night with me, Jack tells me.

-What? You can't be serious! i scream.

-One night with me and i won't touch you and Zayn ever again, he replays.

-Besides i think you don't wanna go back to Zayn after that, he adds grinning. I'm shocked. I didn't even think that he could asks something like that. Could i do it? Could i sleep with him? One night and this all would be over. I think about Zayn. He wouldn't want me to do this. I love him so much that i can't stand to see him hurting. This would end it all and we could live normally. I hate Jack so much. He knows how difficult this is. What he thinks he wins with this? If he thinks that i leave Zayn because of him, he's so wrong. I hate him anyway.

-I have to be at Zayn's by midnight, i say. Jack grins smugly.

-That's enough for me, he answers.

-And when i leave then, i or Zayn won't see you again, i recheck.

-That's the deal honey, he mumbles coming closer again.

-Don't you dare call me that, i hiss to him. He smirks pulling me to the couch. He slowly takes my dress off, propably enjoying for every second while i hate him more and more. His every touch causes a pain in me. His eyes are staring at me with a lust. It feels wrong and disgusting. My heart is telling me how bad things are happening. But then i try to think about Zayn and his cut. How Jack could kill him. And i let it happen. I don't contest or resist.

I pull my dress on.

-Why so hurry? Jack grins from the sofa.

-Good bye, i whisper and run out. I can't help my tears. I feel so numb. I can't belive what happened. Every second is deep in my memories and it hurts to even think about it. Now, it's over. I wipe my tears away and get in the taxi. I tell him to take me to Zayn. I need him at the moment. Even i can't tell him what happened, he will help me. Only seeing him will help me feel better. I try to think that i did it because of us. It doesn't take the quilty away. I feel disgusted with myself. The taxi stops in front of Zayn's house and i get out. Zayn comes to me smiling.

-I could have sent you a driver, he says.

-It's fine, i answer and fake a smile. Hopefully i manage to pretend that i'm fine. Zayn kisses me softly and pulls me in.

-Are you hungry? he asks. To be honest i can't even think about food but i guess i should eat. I haven't eaten much lately.

-Yeah, but can i take a shower first? i ask.

-Sure, i make something to eat, Zayn answers. I go to upstairs and get into warm shower. I wanna wash all the disgust off of me. I can still feel Jack's touch on my skin. It hurts. I can't help myself but start to cry. I cry all the tears away. I don't even know what i feel. I'm numb. I don't know how long i'm there, but finally i think that i have to leave. I take a towel and dry myself. I look at the dress on the bed. I couldn't wear it ever again. It just reminds me about what happened. I take a shirt from Zayn's closet and put it on. I walk downstairs where Zayn sits eating a sandwich.

-Wow, it fits on you much better, Zayn smirks pointing his shirt on me.

-I had only my dress, i explain.

-It's fine, you should wear more my clothes, Zayn smiles. I grin to him sitting down opposite him. I take a sandwich and start to eat. I notice that i'm really hungry and take another one.

-How's your cut? i ask.

-I'm fine, don't worry, Zayn smiles to me.

-Does it hurt? i ask again.

-A little, he answers. When we've eaten we go to Zayn's bedroom. I'm so tired. Zayn wraps his arms around me and it feels so good that i fall asleep immediately. I like to be asleep and forget all the things that are going on.

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