She's Missing

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Logan's pov

"Logan, have you seen Jordan?" Jonah asked. I saw that Daniel was crying.

"Daniel, what happened?" I asked.

"She's m-missing. I m-miss her." He said sobbing. Jonah hugged him and I started to get angry at myself.

"Damn it!" I yelled.

"Bro, what's wrong?" Jay asked confused as he came downstairs.
"Where's Jordan, I need to apologize to her?"

"Me too. I yelled at her for leaving, and she told me yesterday where she was going. I guess I just forgot." I said putting my head in my hands.

"Corbyn yelled at her, too-" Jonah was interupted by Jayden.

"She was taken." He said looking at the glowing star on his bracelet.

"Is that-"

"Glowing? Yeah. It does when the lab people are here or close by." Jay said now in tears to. "If I wouldn't have yelled at her, she'd still be here."

"I did too. This is all on me." I said looking him in the eyes then noticing how mich I missed Jordan's different colored eyes. I missed her smile, her jokes, her voice. I missed my daughter-my bestfriend. I tear slipped down my face.

"Logan, are you c-crying?" Daniel asked. I wipped my tear and that just made it worse. It came to the point where all four of us were crying over her hugging eachother.

"I'm finding my sister." Jay said walking to the door.

"Us too." Jonah said as we all followed.
We went to the Why Don't We house and busted through the door to see a crying Corbyn and a sleeping Zach.

"W-where's J.j?" He asked.

"Oh, corbs." Jonah said pulling him into a hug.

"We'll find her guys, I promise." Jonah told us and we nodded. We woke up Zach, called Jack and hopped into my truck. Of course we called Jake, Chance, Anthony, and Kade for backup. Jay directed us to the lab house and once we made it there we heard Jordan screaming.

 Jay directed us to the lab house and once we made it there we heard Jordan screaming

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Jackaverymusic: I miss you, J.j.😫❤


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