Door bell ( part 2 finall part

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I grabbed a pill bottle from the medicine cabinet and ran up to my room.

I grabbed my lap top to make a video for everyone.

" Hey, today I found out no one cares for me anymore, and I pushed away the only one who does. Don't ask me why I did not do this sooner because I don't know .I have made this decision so Taylor can have someone better to raze her, and because I have nothing better to do. I know no one will be sad that I did this so don't bother to have a funeral for me. Bye... Forever

I shut off the camera and walked to my bathroom with the pills in hand. Once I got into the bathroom i poored all the pills into my hand and screamed. Then pushed them all down my throat.

. . . . . . . NIALLS POV. . . . .
I was sitting on a park bench that was near Maddie's house.

" AHHHHHHHHUGH!" I herd a horrid scream come from Maddie's house I run up to her house and to her front door. I try to open the door but I can't it's locked, I step back a few steps and kick the door as hard as I can VICTORY the door opened. I ran up to her room she wasn't in there, but then I looked into the bathroom connected to her room and there she was laying on the ground! I quickly pulled out my phone and called 911.

Whith in seconds the ambulance was here and left with her body in a gurney.

Once the ambulance was gone I found her laptop with a video on it, so I decided to play it.



. This whole things made me burst into tears I began to run to the hospital.

A/N again I do not support bulling I hate it. And if you are a bully you are not bulling a robot who doesn't have feeling, you hurting an actual person just like you who had feelings.

And if you get bullied, again I am here for you if you wanna talk it out. I completely understand of you don't want to either. Always remember

Don't make a permanent decision for a temporary problem.

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