Telling Maddie

392 20 13

. . . . . . MADDIE'S POV. . . . . .

YES... YES finally done with work.
I dig through my purse looking for my car keys.

Oh my gondala where ar-

I soon remember Niall would not let me go get my car this morning, he drove Taylor and me today.

I guess he is my only option, so I press on his contact to call him.

" Hello." Niall answers his phone

" Hey Niall, can you come pick me up? Seeing as you would not let me go get my car this morning." I rolled my eyes

" Sure love, I will be there in five minutes."

" Thanks"

" No problem."


The line was just quite, neither one of us would hang up.

" Love, you know there is a red button on your phone that says end rite?" Niall says in a smart ellic tone.

" I should say the same to you, smartie." I fired back

" oh really, let me check." Niall says then the line went dead



. . . . . . NIALL'S POV. . . . . .

I picked Maddie and Taylor up. After that I talked Maddie into going out to lunch with me whilst Taylor was at Maddie's mums.
So I could tell her about EVERYTHING I have been keeping from her.

" Niall where are you taking me again?" Maddie suddenly asks

" Nandos." I simply reply keeping my eyes on the road.

" oh should've guess it, yeah." She smiled

" we'll if you know me you should have." I quickly glance at her and back at the road.

Even when I just glance at her, I can still see how beautiful she is.

Beautiful, do I think my best friend is beautiful?


* at Nandos*

Maddie and me have been eating in silence the whole time we were here. Untill now.

" Hey Ni, what was it you had to tell me?" Maddie brought up the reason I wanted to bring her out to lunch.

" oh.. Yeah that." I sorta say as she razes her eye brows up at me.

" Ok to start off with I don't know how your gonna react to this." I start to say, I get no response from Maddie so I take that as a sign to continue.

" We'll ok so when I dropped you and Taylor off this morning, I got a call from Liam. He told me I should check my mail because Simon sent us all something concerning me. We'll it was a magazine, and the writers of that magazine came up with a rumor, that I was Taylor's dad, or I was marrying you and I was a soon to be step dad.
And not only that, the reason to why I did not let you go get your car this morning was because. I sold your house with out telling you so you and Taylor can come liv with me forever. When the movers came to look at the house, they thought you wanted to sell your car too. As a result of them thinking that,
Your car is now in a car lot in who the bloody knows where." I finished telling Maddie everything.

. . . . . . MADDIE'S POV. . . . . .

After I herd what came out of Niall's mouth,
I just stopped eating grabbed my purse, and got up and left.

Since my car was in some bloody car lot some where, and I clearly did not want to speek to Niall, I don't trust taxi drivers, never have never will. My only decision was to walk.

I just got out of Nandos, as I was walking down the sidewalk I here ' it'.

" MADDIE!"he yells


" Maddie please stop." I hear a little closer now.

Still ignored

" Maddie listen to me." Niall grabs my wrist and turns me around.

" Niall, I listened to you in that restaurant. Frankly that was the last thing on my list of things I wanted to hear out of your mouth, and since the last thing I wanted to hear was said. I never want to listen to you ever again." I strictly say to him, then turn around and start walking again.

Two minutes later my phone vibrates, signaling I got a text.

From Niall:

I have an interview about the rumors tomaro at 8:00 Am. You have to be there because the rumor involves you and Taylor.

I didn't respond, I couldn't.


A/N so this chapter had some drama in it. You have no idea what is coming up next chapter
* evil laugh and smirk*

Also thank you for 100 reads, now compared to my friend ssunshinenxall's book that may not be a lot. But, I don't know just thank you my lovely readers.


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Book recommendation of the chapter:

' I Accidentally Hit Niall Horan'

By Kristinith_loves 1D :)

Bye my lovelies thank you for 100 reads.

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