My Angel

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You ease my heart and take away the pain,
And the world starts to seem better again.

You heal me deeper with every word,
Like there was no scar ever soared.

You make me feel like I am worthy,
Of all the good things worldly.

There's something special about you,
That makes me think of only you.

I feel this connection between the minds,
That keeps me thinking everything in rewind.

I try to stop but everything is in vain,
You crowd my mind even when I am in pain.

It's crazy how a stranger becomes so close,
And you feel like you're blooming like a rose.

I don't know what it is that is you and me,
But I love it when it is us and you're talking to me.

I love your voice and the way you speak,
So positive and strong with a tinge of meek.

You speak your mind and I am tranced,
With the goodness of you so enhanced.

I want to keep you in my heart,
As long as the time comes to part.

And with this thought I must confess,
These words are not enough to express.

Your coming to my life was a miracle
Where you stayed and became my angel.


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