Chapter 8

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The next day
Your POV
"Jake wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" Simon jumped on me while I was sleeping. "Simeon! Can't I come out later?" "No!" I heard Pans voice coming into my tent. "You have to come out now!" He said and I got out of bed "UGH!!" "Not a morning person huh?" He asked "Sometimes I am sometimes not at all." I told him. He laughed "I'll see you outside." He walked out of my tent with Simon. "I hate today!!!" I yelled. I got dressed and got outside all the Lost Boys were staring at the sky "What's so beautiful about the sky?" I asked them as I looked up "Nothing that's why its so weird! There is not even one single cloud." Felix said "Well I'm going to get dinner." I said and I walked to the place where we keep all the food we have.

Hook POV
"Is she even trying to escape?" Regina asked me angerly "How am I supposed to know?" I asked her "She's your daughter!" "Yes she's my daughter and she's is going to escape! Mark my words I thought her everything anyone could possibly know about Pan." "But the 2 weeks are almost over she had to be here by now." Swan said "We have to wait!" I said angry. Please be here soon Y/N.

Your POV
"Henry we have to escape today." I whispered to him "W-What?" "The 2 weeks are almost over we can't take any risks we have to escape today right now." "Why so fast?" He asked me "I'm already changing back to my normal self. The spell didn't work for 2 full weeks and now we have to go before Pan sees me." I got up and grabbed my stuff from my tent. I walked with Henry towards the jungle/woods but a voice stops us "And where are you 2 going?" Pan...shit! "We are just going on a walk. We'll be back in an hour I promise!" I told him and he nodded. "One hour! After that you 2 better be back here." He said and I nodded "Good." He put a dagger in my hand "Just to be sure" he moved his hand and his fingers touched mine. He and I froze. I finally moved again "Thanks!" And I got away with Henry as fast as I could.
"What was that all about?" Henry asked me. "We have to move faster." I said with a worried face. "Did you even heard my question? What was that all about?" He asked me again. I saw my fathers ship. "I'll awnser that later now come on!" I grabbed his hand and I start running. "DAD! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!" I yelled at my dad who was just standing there. "Y/N! Henry!" Emma and Regina said at the same time they hugged Henry. "Dad we have to get out of here! Now!" "What happened?" David asked me. I turned back to my dad "Pan touched me and we made a connection! I saw the picture of me and him when I was a baby. I don't know if he saw it too but we have to go NOW!!" I said.

Peters POV
I could move again. That picture of me and a baby. Wait a second...that baby was Y/N! Daughter of Hook! Jake is Y/N! And she left with Henry. "BOYS!! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!!!" I yelled. "But what if Henry and Jake are coming back sooner?" Simon asked "There is no Jake!" I turned to Felix "I know what that weird thing was about Jake!" I told him. "And that thing is?" "Jake is not Jake its Y/N Hooks daughter! And she left with Henry!" I said angry. Watch your step Y/N I'm going yo find you! I don't care where the hell you are but I will find you.

Your POV
I'm sitting in my room. Worried. I shouldn't be here I put them in dangour. Henry walked to me "You okay?" He asks me "No we are hunted by Pan. All because of me!" I yelled "Sorry." I told him and I turned back into my normal self. "Y/N! Your hair its normal again!" He said happy I smiled

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