Chapter 26

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Your POV
"Ready for our goodbye?" He asked

I nodded.
We walked into our tent.
He started to kiss me but tears were coming from his face too
"Hey..shh everything is going to be okay" I told him and I wiped the tears off his cheeks
"I know but I just....I hoped that we would never had to say goodbye" he sniffed.
I slowly took off my shirt making him look at me. Then I took off his and we started kissing again.
"Aren't you going to take those off?" I asked
He took off his pants leaving him in his underwear.
Then he took mine off and picked me up.
(Sorry guys no smut but maybe in a other book? Let me know)

****Time Skip****

We were staring at each other.
I can't believe its happening now.
"Okay, you ready?"
"I was born ready. Just do it already!"
His hand got into my chest and got it out again with my heart.
I gasped when he pulled it out.
He held my heart close to his chest but didn't push it in.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Y/N, you don't have to do this"
"I do!"
"NO! I changed my mind! I'm not risking your life! I'm not doing it!"
I grabbed my heart out of his hand
"And I am not letting you die!" I pushed my heart in his chest.
I fell on the ground, before my head could hit the ground Pan catches me.
"I love you" I said before I fainted.

"No! Y/N! Y/N!! Don't go yet!"
I brought us back to camp.
I held Y/N in bridal style close to me.
Thank god she was still breathing.
"Pan? Pan!!" Simon ran towards me "Y/N? What happened to you?" He held her hand.
"" I couldn't tell him he wouldn't understand.
But he had to know.
"Is...she?" He asked and I told him "She's still breathing but she's really weak"
He nodded and squeezed her hand.
"So is this what she ment by leaving us?"
"Yes" I said.
I walked back to our tent and layed her down on the bed.


Your POV
I started to wake up. I looked around but I saw that I wasn't in my room I was in Pans camp.....IN A CAGE?! I saw the Lost Boys dancing by the campfire. Simon ran up to me once he saw me "JAKE!" He yelled "Wait....its not Jake its Y-Y/N right?" He asked and I nodded "Simon I'm so so sorry I lied to you but....." Pan cut me off "Well well well look who decided to wake up after 2 hours. Simon go back to the others." "Yes Pan." He smiled at me and then got back to the campfire. Pan started to come closer to the cage "Y/N..." I kicked him in his face "That's for kidnapping Henry!" I yelled. He got up again "You've got fire, I like fire!" "What do you want Pan?" I asked "I don't know but you have something that connect us and I want to know what that is! Here your food!" He walked away and a plate with food appeared in front of me.
----End of Flashback----

Hey guys!! Sorry this was a short chapter but next one is going to be better...I hope!
!!Love you all!!

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