Chapter 4

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"A ball?" I asked as I stirred the pot of soup on the stove.

"Yes, my mother has said that since our family is reunited she would like to throw a ball as a celebration. I was hoping that you would accompany me, my love." Elijah said over the phone.

I paused, thinking it over for a moment. "I would love to." I said. "When is it?"

"This Friday." Elijah replied. Hmm, that was two days away. "I apologize for the short notice."

"It's fine." I reassured him. "I'll go with you."

"Excellent." He replied. "I shall pick you up at seven-thirty, my darling. And this should give you the perfect opportunity to wear the dress that I got you."

"Absolutely." I said. "Do me a favor and don't tear this one off of me." I said.

"I promised that I would not." He replied.

"Yes you did." I said. "Will I see you before then?" I asked, trying not to sound too eager.

I knew that on the other end of the line Elijah was smirking at my question. "Unfortunately, my love, I am not sure. I would love to see you before then but I shall have to see if that can be arranged. I apologize, darling."

"It's alright." I said, dissapointment much too clear in my voice.

"I will see you Friday, darling. It will be here much more quickly than you think." He said.

"Okay. I'll see you Friday." I said, smiling.

"Until then, my love." Elijah said and then the there was a click on the line. I stirred the soup with a content smile on my face.


"Well, well, brother, that witch seems to be quite crazy for you." Kol said, leaning against the frame of the door.

"I expect you to behave yourself this Friday night, Kol. I refuse to have the evening turn out...badly. For Aurora , of course, but I would hate to have to resort to extreme measures to keep you in line."

"What is this that I hear? Are you quarelling again?" I looked up to see my mother standing in the hallway.

"Oh, no, mother. Elijah is just afraid that I'll steal his girl." Kol smirked.

I laughed softly. "Hardly, Kol. In fact, I have no worries whatsoever about you stealing Aurora from me."

"And who is Aurora?" Mother said, stepping into the room. "That is a lovely name."

"Yes, it is." I said. "Aurora is a witch that I met when I first came back to Mystic Falls..."

"And tried to kill her?" Kol said.

Mother looked at me sharply. "I have never once tried to kill her, Kol." I said slowly.

"Ah, yes, tried to kill a couple of her friends, I believe. And had a soft spot for her, yes? Ended up falling for each other and now you're together but essentially on opposite sides of a war, of sorts? Is that right, brother?"

"I would hardly call it a war, Kol. In fact, we are all trying to put all of that behind us." I said with a polite smile.

"Can it ever really be forgotten, brother?" Kol asked. "In fact, I hear that her friends are positively furious at her for being with you." He said, emphasizing the word 'you'.

"Enough." Mother said. "I expect both of you to not make a scene at this ball. Elijah, I look forward to meeting Aurora." She said and then exited the room.

Sleeping With The Enemy - An Elijah Mikaelson FanFiction Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now