Chapter 3

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After I had finished cooking breakfast for Aurora I took out a small tray and arranged the plate and a glass of orange juice on it before carrying it up the stairs. I would have very much liked to have put a single rose in a small vase, as well. However, I did not have a rose. Nor a vase. And I did not want to leave Aurora by herself. I balanced the tray in one hand and pushed open the door. Aurora was still fast asleep. I was immensly glad that I did not have anything else to do today and would be able to spend the entire day with my lovely Aurora. We had confessed our love for each other, however technically we had not ever discussed whether this was...exclusive or not. I simply assumed that it was and I had already come to think of her as mine. An old fashioned notion, perhaps, but she was mine, nonetheless. 

I placed the tray down on the floor and walked over to the bed. I placed a feather light kiss on her forehead and stroked her cheek softly. 

"Darling." I said. "Darling, wake up." 

She groaned and turned away from me. "Darling." I repeated. "Wake up." I slid my hand down to her hip and she leaned up into my touch, her breathing speeding up very slightly. Enough for me to detect, however. I smiled. I could not get enough of how she reacted to my touch. She turned towards me, her dark blonde hair falling over the pillow. 

"Good morning, Elijah." She yawned, looking positively...adorable, really was the only appropriate word. She placed my hand on her cheek and closed her eyes, sighing happily. I pulled my hand away and a whine escaped those beautiul lips. I smirked and turned to pick up the tray. 

"I made you breakfast, my love." I said. 

She sat up and looked down at herself, seeming surprised at what she saw. "I didn't have any clothes on when I went to sleep.." She said. 

"Oh, I put my shirt on you in the middle of the night. You were moving in your sleep and I woke to check on you. You felt cold so I put my shirt on you." I explained. 

"Oh." She said, blushing light peach. 

I touched her cheek. "Darling, at this point in our relationship I hardly feel that that is something to be embaressed about." I smiled down at her. 

"I suppose you're right." She mumbled. She pulled herself up more and my shirt pulled over legs and hips slightly. I drew in a sharp breath when I noticed the dark bruises on her hips. I reached out my hand and softly brushed it over the bruises. Aurora winced slightly, cocked her side and then looked down. 

"Oh." She whispered, as if she knew exactly what my reaction was going to be. However, I still could not stop myself.

"I'm sorry, my love. I hope that I did not hurt you too badly." I said, hearing the concern in my own voice. "I should have controlled myself better. Occasionally I forget that you are human and more...delicate." No matter how badly I felt, there was a part of me that also felt satisfied that I had marked her as my own, even if no one would ever see these bruises other than myself. And if someone other than myself did see them, that person would quite likely not live to see the light of another day. 

"Elijah, it's fine. I'm fine." She said. 

"Darling..." I started but she interrupted me. 

"Elijah, don't. I'm alright, really." She smiled reassuringly. I hesistated. 

"Alright, darling." I said. "Oh, I almost forgot about your breakfast." I placed the tray over her lap and took a seat next to her on the bed. "I do hope that it did not get cold." I said. 

Aurora looked down at the tray with an amused smile on her face. "Yes?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. 

"You know how to cook?" She smiled. 

Sleeping With The Enemy - An Elijah Mikaelson FanFiction Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now