My name is Jamie-lee but everyone calls me J or Jamie. I am 14 years old and I have lived in New Jersey all of my life but I have always been bullied and had to move school 2 years ago because of that my depression got really bad and I now have social anxiety but that's mostly because of my parents. They are alcoholics. My big brother Kyle is also to blame as he has been physically abusing me because he is mostly always under the influence of drugs, but thankfully 3 months ago he got caught murdering someone and is now in jail for 10-18 years. My so called boyfriend Jack Dail is also abusive whom I only went out with him for a silly dare about a month ago but he won't let me leave him. Jack also sexually assaults me almost everyday but he won't let me tell anyone as he is always with me. He is in all of my classes and he forced me to live with him. He only lets you eat one meal a day which is usually below 100 calories because he thinks i am over weight but even then he makes me puke it back up again. My parents still haven't noticed me gone or my sudden weight loss because they are always at bars or clubs, but I can tell that my best friends Marissa, Jo, Brianna, stevie-lee and my badass gay friend Johnathan have and they have seen my scars and bruises but since Jack is always with me, I can't ever talk to them because he thinks they will call the cops.