My Brother's Best Friend (Woofless Fanfic)

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My Brother's Best Friend (Woofless FanFic)


"Marley! Hurry up or I'm leaving without you!"Preston yelled. I ran downstairs wearing my t-shirt with the batman signal and my white skinny jeans.

"I'm buying Preston, so you couldn't leave without me,"I said. "I can buy the burgers myself"he said. "Come on Preston, I'm gonna pay, you're not gonna turn down that,"I said.

I know he's my brother and all, but sometimes he can act like a 5 year old. My name is Marley Arsement, yes I'm Preston's sister.

I'm 19 and, like him, a minecraft youtuber. We drove to In-N-Out. "To take?"the cashier asked. "Yes,"Preston answered. After, I payed for the food, we got back in his car.

He wouldn't let me drive, because supposedly I was to little. I'm freaking 19! "Yeah, so a friend of mine is coming over, do you mind if he stays at the house for a while?"Preston asked me. "I don't mind,"I said drinking my Pepsi. "Great, he's coming later today,he said.

Soon, we got home and I immeaditatly grabbed my burger and walked upstairs to my room. "And the Once Upon a Time Marathon continues!"I said to myself. I went on Netflix, clicked on Once Upon A Time, and so the marathon began. I started from season 1, episode 16.

~~A few hours later~~

I was on episode 22, the last episode of the season. "How about a snack for the road?"Regina asked Emma. They walked into the kitchen. "How about one of my famous apple turnovers,"Regina said,"Just made". "You bitch!"I yelled as I threw a pillow at the tv.

"And that's my sister,"I heard. It had to be Preston, but who was he talking to. I turned around and at the door was Preston facepalming while standing next to a guy. He looked familiar. "Hi, I'm Robert,"he said. Of course, Rob, woofless. "As in, Rob-a-dob-flob-can't-get-a-job?"I asked. He chuckeled. "Yup, that's me". "Hey guys, I'm right here, no flirting!"Preston yelled. I rolled my eyes. I got up.

"Marley,"I said as I held my hand. We shook hands."Huge fan,"I told him. "Nice to meet you,"he said with a smile. I smiled back. "Guys, I said no flirting!"Preston yelled again. "We're not flirting!"I said.

"Well, Ima record,"I said. "Ok we'll leave you,"Preston said. I continued to watch the episode, even though I said I was gonna record. Once the episode was over, I started recording.

"Hey guys, TNTexplosion here with a new episode of Attack of The B-Team,"I started off.

~~After episode is over~~

I walked downstairs to get my phone charger.I saw Rob and Preston sitting on the couch playing Minecraft Blood And Bones. "Rob, the zombie took my axe!"Preston yelled. "I can't help you, I'm trying to escape a pack of fire zombies!"Rob yelled. "Coming guys!"I heard Vikk yell. I decieded to give Preston and Rob a little scare. I grabbed my phone, which was at 11% , and opened the sound apps. I decided to click on the thunder sound. I made sure the phone volume was connected to the speakers so it was really loud. 1,2,3 ! I pressed the icon and boom, thunder. Both Rob and Preston jumped a bit . They turned around. I burst out laughing and literally fell on the ground from laughing so hard. "MARLEY!"Preston yelled. "I'm sorry I'm not sorry!"I yelled. Vikk was laughing too. "Too all the veiwers, this is TNTexplosion scaring her brother and Rob!"I yelled. I ran upstairs, grabbing my charger first, and closed the door. I heard footsteps. I grabbed my nerf gun and filled it with water. The door was slowly opening, and like I thought, it was Preston and Rob.... with nerf guns. Luckily, I shot at them first, and they were soaking wet. "Preston, you forgot I have a nerf gun! I'm the queen of nerf guns! You know that!"I said trying not to laugh. "The bathrooms that way,"Preston said pointing to the bathroom down the hall. I burst out laughing again. Rob walked downstairs, grabbed some clothes and into the bathroom he went. "I'm gonna go change,"Preston said walking into his room. This is gonna be fun.

Author's Note

Is it weird that I'm writing another Woofless fanfic? Yes, no? I don't care. Anyways, just to make it easier to imagine how Marley looks like, she looks like Lea Michele. Except she's more of a tomboy. That's pretty much it. I might update another chappie today. good bye my jewels :)

My Brother's Best Friend // A Woofless FF // Prequel to Forever [Not Edited]Where stories live. Discover now