Before It All Went Wrong

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- My first story. This is not fanfiction. It is a Fiction story starring anybody really. If you are wanting Robert Downey Jr to play Marcus, then so be it. However, the character can be played by anybody you want, even if it is nobody famous. Robert Downey Junior will only be the cover boy because he is very handsome and photogenic. Plus, I love him.


Chapter 1: Goodbye


"Annabelle, open this door right now!" The thudding against my apartment door and the shouting continue. I ignore it, warm tears streaming down my face as I lead my seven year old daughter to her bedroom.

"Mommy, what's wrong with daddy?"

Bending down to her height, I give her a reassuring smile, quickly wiping my face, "Nothing honey, he's just a little angry."

Her brown eyes cause my heart to ache. So familiar to her father's. "Why is he angry?"

I attempt another watery smile, holding her face in my hands. "Honey, he isn't angry at you, alright? You have nothing to worry about. Daddy and I had a little fight, that's all."

Her small hands cover my own and she kisses my forehead. "He loves you, mommy." She's so bright. So smart. So oblivious to everything around her. So incredibly beautiful. My little girl. Returning the kiss, I take her hand in mine again as she climbs into bed.

"Alright," I breath. "OK, I want you to stay in bed and go to sleep." I tell her, grabbing Truffles and tucking her in. "I love you, honey."

"I love you, mommy. Truffles loves you too." She giggles as I give the stuffed puppy a kiss on the snout and wiggles further down the mattress, closing her eyes and yawning into the pillow. "Night, mommy."

"Goodnight darling." I whisper, leaving her bed light on and the door almost fully closed, exhaling slowly. As I approach the living room again, the disruption behind my front door gets louder. I have had enough.

Before I can function with my brain, my hand shoots out to the handle and opens the door. I glare internally. Stupid brain. Stupid limbs. "You are disrupting my daughter." I say calmly. I really can not be bothered arguing at nine o'clock at night.

His brown eyes flare with anger. Oops. "Excuse me?" He growls through clenched teeth. I was just waiting for them to brake.

I blink at him, casually cocking a hip, "Yeah, I have a little girl? You know, in case you haven't noticed the past seven years-"

He hisses at me, like a snake when annoyed. "I'm pretty up to date with that, Annabelle. Since she is kind of mine as well."

I shake my head, "No. But thank you for lending me your sperm anyway, it was o-so-kind of you." As I move to close the door in his face again, his large hands slams against the wood. I wince. That sounded painful.

His nostrils flare. "I just wanna see my little girl, Anna."

I fake a smile. "Yeah, first of all, my little girl is in bed because it is an hour past her bed time and secondly," I push his hand off of the door. "That's Annabelle or Miss Ferric to you."

He grunts, "Bab-"

My hand cuts him off and he stares at my palm for a few moments before he rests his forehead against it. I frown. "Marcus-"

"I'm sorry." His voice is hoarse. No doubt from all of the shouting he's done in the past two hours. "I'm really sorry." He rubs his face against my hand.

My hand moves to the side of his face and my fingers stroke the sharp line of his jaw and his trimmed hairline. The sound echoes through the hallway as I slap him. "Sometimes sorry isn't enough, Marcus."

A tear runs down his red cheek and a sob wracks his shoulders. "Can I... Can I say bye to Bella at least? And get some stuff? I'll... I'll stay at Mitch's." I almost give in when his bottom lip trembles. Instead, I nod my head and step to the side.

"I swear to God, Marcus. If you try to-"

"I won't." He whispers, eyes tired. "I'll be five minutes." I keep the door opened with a door stopper before following closely behind him.

I watch as he kisses Bella's sleeping form and tucks the covers tighter around her, whispering 'I love you, princess,' and look away quickly as he turns in my direction. On the way to our old bedroom, I hear another sob escape him.

You've only got yourself to blame, Marcus.

He is surprised when I hand him his Nike shoulder bag packed already. My hand flinches as it comes into contact with his own.

He sighs audibly, tossing the luggage over his broad shoulder. "I'm sorry," he says again trailing behind me. My eyes close for a short amount of time and I shrug, removing the door stopper and replacing it with my own hand.

"Like I said," It was a mistake to look at him. "Sometimes sorry just isn't enough."

Marcus looks at me before nodding slowly in reluctant agreement. "Sure. Alright." When he leans in and kisses me, I return it. It's chaste, passionate and longing. My blue eyes meet with his brown ones after we break apart and he chews on his lip. "Bye, Annabelle."

I can only hum in reply, my lips still tingling as the door clicks shut. Dropping my forehead against the hard surface, another tear runs past my nose and dives for the carpet.

"Goodbye, Marcus."


My first story. Did you like it? I hope so. What do you think is going to happen?

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