Chapter 2: It Was Your Fault

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"Do you think I was too harsh on him?" I ask, frowning out the window in the kitchen. "Should I... Should I have kicked him out? Was that too far or..." Truffles is silent, unsurprisingly, sitting there dead eyed and slumped on the island. "Damn it." Why am I standing in the middle of the kitchen washing already clean cutlery talking to my daughter's stuffed animal?

There is a sudden knock on the door and I jump two feet in the air. Startled, I grab Truffles and head through the living room, tucking Bella's toy under a couch pillow on the way. I put on my fake 'answering the door and phone smile' and open the door. "Hell-" The smile fades away and I frown deep. "Hell no."

Marcus, eyes swollen and red stands there with a bed head dressed in a pair of grey Nike sweats and a red over sized sweatshirt. "Anna-"

"What are you doing here?"

He sighs. "Baby..."

"I'm sorry," I shrug. "I don't remember sharing my apartment with somebody named Baby... hm, oh!" My fake 'I hate you, go away you asshole' smile spreads across my face. "But I did share it with... um... somebody called, 'Stupid little prick.'"

Marcus winces at that. I almost feel bad... no, not really. "Annabelle." He croaks, wringing his hands together like a nervous little boy who is in trouble. "I-"

"Did you come here for a reason?" I spit, disgusted at the man I once proudly called my husband.

He nods his head. "Yeah, I-I'm sorry about..." He makes a gesture with his head as if I should have the ability to finish off his sentence. Luckily for him, this time I can.

"About the slut you slept with behind my back."

He's confused. I laugh. "I... what? I didn't-"

I snarl, leaning towards him. "Your pathetic." I can see that the insult has hurt him and that makes me happy. There's something in his eyes. Anger maybe, frustration. "Marcus, go-"

"I wasn't sleeping with her, Anna. She was-she is nothing but a person I work with."

I scoff, muttering under my breath, "Yeah, with her skirt half way up her ass and her shirt too tight for her tits." He punches the door frame and I jump again. "Jesus, will you stop with the knocking and the punching, I'm gonna have a freaking heart-a-tack."

"Your a stubborn son-of-a-bitch. I didn't sleep with her for Christ's sake!"

I raise an eyebrow. "But you thought about it."

"Yes!" I close my mouth, teeth clattering together quite painfully. "Fucking hell, Anna. You can not tell me that you didn't do that. What, there was a hot guy in the line in front of you or walking past you in the street and you didn't even once find him attractive?"

"No." I lie.

Marcus doesn't believe me. "Whatever. I really must have everything then."

I chew my lip. Actually, he pretty much does. The brown thick hair, heart breaking eyes, perfect straight nose with just the tiniest point at the tip that almost looks elfin if it wasn't for the strong, squared off jaw and hard cheekbones. His profile is stunning, carved in marble. The ox like build of his shoulders and back, mesmerizing and safe-feeling. He's sweet, gentle, caring, yet can blow a casket in a quick second. The truth is, I never really looked or noticed other hot guys because he is pretty much the full package.

Plus I did love him.

The only thing he doesn't have?

The ability to be trustworthy.

"I came home everyday, excited and happy."

I roll my eyes. "Why? Because she gave you a good night snog?"

"No," He growls, teeth almost bared like Jason out of Twilight. "Because I was coming home to my gorgeous wife and the incredible mother to my beautiful daughter. That's what made everything worth it, Anna. I swear to you," before I could stop him, he took my hands in his gently, eyes staring down into mine. I am just now realising how tall he really is compared to myself. "I haven't had sex, kissed... I haven't even done as much as give another woman a kiss on the cheek. I promise."

I couldn't believe him. I can't believe him.

"You said that last time."

"And I mean it." No you don't, fucking liar.

"I'm sorry, Marcus. I just can't."

His chin trembles, panic flashing in his chocolate orbs. "No... honey, please." He steps further. Fight him, Annabelle. Fucking fight him. You stupid weak bitch. Fight him. "I love you."

"We were too young, Marcus. We were stupid. We didn't-we don't work."

"Yes we do," his voice was a whisper now. "You know we do. You love me, Anna. I know you do."

I swallow the dry lump lodged in my throat, shaking my head. "No. We don't-"

He sighed, pressing his forehead against mines. "Please, sweetheart. Give me a chance." His eyes moved to my lips.

I inhaled. "I gave you a chance, Marcus. It was up to you what you did with it. It was your fault." I stop myself from wiping away his falling tears as his eyelids flutter closed.


"Marcus." His eyes blink open. "Stop this. Stop hurting yourself. Stop. Hurting. Me."

He looks down at me. "I'm a wreck without you."

I don't know what to say to that. "I don't know what you want me to say to that, Marcus."

"God dammit, why can't you just believe me?"

"Because I don't trust you!"

"Why the hell not?"

"Don't make me answer that dumb ass question, Marcus Stonewall."

"What is it that you want then?"

"I want a divorce!"

He goes silent. Finally it is out there. Out in the open.

"A divorce?" I nod my head, breathing heavily. "Why? I can't..."

"I got a job offer in London and I'm taking it."

He makes a face. "That's why you want-"

"Because you have a perfect job over here and... we aren't meant for one another, Marcus. We were too young. Just a couple of kids..."

He huffs. "Says you who has a child with me."

"I don't love you anymore."

He doesn't even flinch at that. "I can prove you wrong, Anna."

I refuse to listen, "No, you can't."

Stepping back again, he blinks, "I think otherwise," and with that, he's off strolling down the hallway just like yesterday. I sigh, locking my door.

"I don't love you..."


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