chapter 4: home sweet home

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traffic finally ended and were already at the freeway exit. he began driving once the stop light turned green; everything looks the same. I guess in some way I do miss home. We passed thro shops, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. we continued being on the streets and finally made a turn and passed our school, everyone was getting out of school all happy and hugging each other, it was obvious that school had ended for today, we made a few more turns and finally reached my house then parked the car in the driveway. he turned off the engine and I sighed.



Valerie:*sighs* "Ready."

I said, we got out of the car but didn't get our luggage out. for now we just need to see them and get our things later, but then again, it depends if mom does the deal or not. Gerard already knew about the deal and was ok with it. i sighed again and hit the doorbell. we heard footsteps come down from upstairs and the door opened revealing Alex. he looked shocked but then smiled and had tears of joy, same thing for me.

Alex:"oh my god! I can't believe you're here!"

he says as he pulls me into a tight hug. he pulled away and was smiling like crazy.

Valerie:"I can't believe it either but it was gonna happen one day."

Alex:"oh my gosh, wait till mom see's you."

Valerie:" she ok?"

Alex:"I'm not sure, she hardly cooks or talks, to do anything really. you know how hard it Is making your own breakfast! but anyways, your friends call everyday to see if we heard anything."

Evelyn, Matt. shoot. I completely forgot, if explaining to mom was hard, it would be 10 times harder with Evelyn. I continued with my thoughts until Alex shouts for mom. he turned to look at us and smiled then shook Gerard's hand then we heard footsteps come down and there she was. she looked shocked and then had tears of joy just like Alex and rushed over to me to give me a tight hug.

mom:"I'm so glad you're back."

Valerie:"well...not forever."

I said and she pulls away confused.

Valerie:"me and Gerard are planning to stay here for three Months..meaning we would leave once school ends...we will return for more months but then we would leave again...but...we're only doing this if you agree to keep me in that school..i don't want to transfer..and if you don't accept it then we'll leave right away. forever."

I said. she sighs and runs her fingers through her hair as she closes her eyes then looks at me.

Valerie:"do we have a deal?"

i asked and she nods and pulls me into a tight hug as I hugged her back, letting her tears splash on my shirt.

Kathryn:"so I'm guessing you're staying here for three months?"


we pulled apart then she hugged Gerard, he was shocked at first but he hugged her back. I look at him and he nods and he knew what I was thinking about.

Valerie:"mom, Alex."

I said she pulled Apart from Gerard and both her and Alex looked at me waiting for me to continue as I walked next to Gerard again and he put his arm around me.

Valerie:"we're getting married."

I said, mom started jumping for joy as Alex did the same, mom hugged me and Alex hugged with Gerard then alex hugged me and mom hugged Gerard. my mom Is the cool type if you haven't noticed, usually mom's would be angry that their kids are marrying too soon but my mom was overjoyed.

Kathryn:"so when's the wedding?"

Valerie:"we don't know yet but it would be on a date when school is over."

I said, mom nods and then hugs me again and pulls away.

Valerie:"mom I heard from him."


Kathryn:"I truly am sorry about lying to you sweetie."

Valerie:"it's ok, he told me everything...he even introduced..."

Kathryn:"your step mom I know...I guess he didn't tell every detail."

Valerie:"what are you talking about?"

Kathryn:"Quinn was my best friend. I've known her since kindergarten...then she stole him from me."

Valerie:"so basically the two best friends are my mom's??"

Kathryn:"sure if you put it that way."


Kathryn:"now, since you two are here, I want to congratulate you two by cooking and baking! oh how exciting!"

she says and rushes to the kitchen with alex behind her, I giggle and then follow them with Gerard behind me.

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