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Gaten: so I'm just gonna start texting because everyone is somewhere else rn...

Millie: yes ugh the drama

Chosen: wait "yes" as in your happy with the drama?

Wyatt: you're**

Sophia: omg even when he's upset he-

Millie: nooo "yes" as in you're right

Sadie: but are we okay??

Noah: uhm...

Chosen: pretty obvious we aren't

Sadie: no but I mean none of it is personal right

Caleb: wait what did we miss


Finn: ha ha. very funny

Caleb: Jack's still nowhere to be found

Gaten: you'll find him!

Caleb: I mean I wouldn't miss him if we didn't

Chosen: oH

Sophia: bet Finn's kicking the shit out of you rn

Finn: I'm not. I'm very mature, on the contrary to Caleb, who won't shut up about how he dislikes Jack

Millie: omg are you two in a fight?!

Caleb: no we're not. since Finn is very mature, he has accepted that I don't like Jack

Finn: exactly

Chosen: okay sure

Chosen: but anyways...

Wyatt: but where tf could Jack be then

Chosen: yeah that's what I wanted to say

Finn: idk but he'll come back eventually

Caleb: wait so we're heading home?!!

Finn: yes you convinced me


Noah: hahaha Caleb why did you even go with Finn in the first place

Gaten: yeah you're like the last person that cares about Jack

Caleb: I already explained that

Jeremy: ??

Sophia: yeah guys he's a good friend

Sadie: you could all learn from him!!

Caleb: I guess I'll take that as a compliment

Wyatt: you shouldn't because those are almost exactly your own words

Jaeden: WY

Jeremy: I have no idea whats going on...

Sophia: OMG JAE

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