6. traing while they watch

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You all get to HQ.

"Ok. Dont fangirl, or fanboy" you said. Then opened the door. Daisy and Nick walked in after you. Loki was getting yelled at by widow. Most of the others were in there room or watching TV.

"Finally! Your back! You are they?" widow asked.

"Some of my old friends. They are NOT like us. So dont try and fight them. Wolverine that means you to asshat!" you growled throwing a rock that came from nowhere at his head. He turned after getting hit and growled lowly. You laughed at his face. "Ok, this is Nick, and this is his younger sister Daisy" you laughed out slightly.

"Well we need you to train against loki to make him tired. They can watch that" widow smiled. You smirked and looked at loki. He new you were still pissed about the pranks.

"Ohhhh~ get to train agents a follow god of trickery~ interesting. You guys want to watch?" you asked Nick and daisy. Daisy nodded excitedly.

"I dont think thats a good idea. Daisy already wants to join. Seeing you two fight with your powers would make her not stop trying. It will make her try harder to get in" he face plamed. You moved his hand from his face and stoped daisys head.

"Or~ it will make her scared and show her shes not cut out. So let her watch~" you smiled looking into his green eyes. He blushed deeply at your warm touch and the smoothness of your voice.

"F-f-fine" he stuttered. You let go of his hand.

"Great! Come on daisy. Watch me kick Lokis dark green and black ass" you smiled and laughed. Daisy giggled. You walked over to loki and nodded. He followed you to the arena, even though he new were it was. You put Daisy where bullet proof glass was. "This will keep you safe from anything we through at each other" you smiled. Then went into the arena by hoping the fence/short wall.

Then you two started fighting. Loki threw small knifes and such and you threw throwing knifes and such as well. You both stoped at opposite sides of the arena, and the dust cleared. You saw loki take out a few of your throwing knifes from his arm and shoulder. You toke out a knife from your far side of your stomach and one in your left thigh. You toke out two swords and loki got his magic ready. He started throwing balls of green and blue fire at you while you doged and ran twords him. The arena was pretty big so it was a big run on your injured thigh. You then got a few feet from loki and sliced up his torso. He doged and teleported behind you and put a knife to your throat. This hole time all the adventures were there watching.

"You were saying something about kicking my ass?" loki asked. You smirked. You grabbed his wrist trying to stop him from putting the knife any closer. You then flipped him over and when he turned to get up you stepped on his back and pulled his arm off the ground keeping him from getting up.

"Why yes. I believe I said something like that" you smirked. Then he teleported up behind you again grabbing your hands pinning them behind on your back with magic and pulled your head up to put the knife back at your throat.

"You were saying?" he asked. You struggled slightly but the knife started to press on your neck.

"Wait! Hes going to kill her! We should intervene!" yelled nick. Then widow stoped him.

"He dosnt have the guts to kill another god. Non-the-less someone like him" widow said.

You felt loki rest his head on your shoulder.

"I believe I win. Just say you yield" he smiled.

"You think I dont have some tricks up my sleeve?~" you asked. You kicked his lower leg then his knee cap making him fall into a kneeling position. You grabbed a dagger and cut his check. You pinned his hands on his back with your magic this time. You put the dagger to his throat. Slightly cutting it. He gasped. "Do you yield Loki?" you asked.

"Never!" he growled. You smirked and got to his ear.

"you know the things I can do with just one simple knife. If you dont want that to happen to you then yield" you growled into his ear.

"I'd rather DIE the yield!" he growled.

"Then so be it~" you say then cut a bit deeper on his throat.

"OK NO I DONT NO I DONT I YIELD!!! I YIELD!!" he yelled. You smirked and let him go. You helped him up.

"Good. Lets clean you up shall we Loki?" you asked. He pulled away from you.

"Im fine" he growled. You shrugged.

"Ok" you said then walk out of the arena. Loki limped slightly to you and the others to past through. His brother started bothering him. You rolled your eyes.

"What in the hells wrong with you!?" growled Valkyrie.

"What? Hes a pansy. He would have yielded dead or alive" you said.

"You were going to kill your teammate!!" she growled.

"No I wasnt! Im loyal! Yeah I may have hurt him pretty fucking bad, but so what!? I wasnt actually kill him! I know you dont trust me from the pranks, but you can ask Nick, or daisy, thor, literally ANYONE else that nows me, hell even TONY! Im loyal! I might hurt my friends or teammates but I at least try and fix what I did! You dont even train anymore asshat!" you growled. He groaned.

"Loyal!? You!? Hah! Your nothing but a goddess that doesnt stop in tell an open gives in! You could have really hurt him!" Valkyrie growled.

"You only care because he is on of the princes of Asgard and your supposed to guard him and Thor!" you growled.

"Like you actually care about him!" she growled.

"Well thats because what I am cant feel human emotions so maybe I dont care but I at least fucking try!" you growled then teleported to you room in anger. You herd small hisses of pain from across the hallway in lokis room. You get out of your room and knock on his door.

"Who is it?" he growled.

"Your actually supposed to ask 'whos there' but, nevermind. You need any helo with your cuts Loki?" you asked.

"No Im fine!" he growled.

"Loki. I at least want to look at the wounds I made on you" you said sounding sincere. Then the door opened. Lokis check and neck was smudged in dry blood. But he stoped bleeding which was good. Some of the fabric on his cloths was ripped from your throwing knifes. "You sure you dont need help?" you asked.

"Fine. Yes. Please help. Dont tell anyone" he growled slightly. You nodded and came in. He closed the door...

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