18. brother mets loki

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"Never" you replied. "Well unless you come with me to earth" you shrugged. "I just wanted to see the old castle" you said touching the black emeralds and red rubies.

"Awww. Ill come to earth for a while then! HEY BABE!! You are going to rule for a while!! Im going to earth with my baby sister!" your brother yelled.

"OK BABE!!" yelled a male voice. You gasped and started jumping up and down.

"You have a boyfriend!?" you asked excited.

"Yes. Im just trying it. And its filled with godly sex" he smirked.

"Gross" you said gaging formally. "Go into your human form!" you smiled. He was the one to teach you everything. He formed into someone that looks like your human form, just more boyish, and his blond hair died red. His prince clothing went into some jeans and a black ops two shirt. His crown terned into a black bennie. You shifted into your human form. Both your body guards turning into snakes. Slithering up your arms. You two start to walk out to were the portal is. Everyone bowed recognizing you. The little girl from earlier hugged you before you left then hugged your big brother.

"Dont get yourselves killed. I need one of you here to protect me" she whined. You picked her up.

"My brother promises to come back in one peace. I will visit once and a while to see you" you hug her and she hugged back. You put her down and she giggles running twords your palace. You and your brother go into the portal. Loki was already home in the main room. The boys were still there. You showed your brother everything. Then you got to the main room. The boys were watching a horror film. Loki just happened to be upside down on the couch half asleep. You walk over to him and push his legs off the back of the couch. Your brother stands next to you. "Hey loki!" your voice boomed, you smiled. Tony peter and Steve jumped slightly hearing your voice. Loki snickered and went over and hugged you. You hugged back.

"Y/N? Who is this?" he asks knowing the answer.

"Loki, this is my older brother, his name is Kevin" you said.

"Hello" waved your brother. Loki waved slightly back. He looked down at the others. "Are you mortals?" he asked, his voice laced with hatred.

"And if we are?" tony asked.

"Ok! Tony! I advise you not to piss my brother off! Hes WAY more powerful then me!" you said stepping in-between them. "Listen, Kev, I work with them" you said.

"You work with humans? Why?" he asked.

"There not human, persay. They have powers. Less the ours and weaker but still. Powers" you smiled.

"Oh. Well I sense one more god here. He is here?" he asks.

"I dont know, loki is your brother back yet?" you asked looking at him.

"Yes. Infact hes in the kitchen" loki said.

"Good. Ok so one rule when you meet thor. Hes not like us, hes kind innocent, DONT, break him" you said.

"Hey I was the one who made that rule" he growled.

"Im the reson we have that rule, AND they dont apply to me~" you smirked and then trotted off into the kitchen with your brother following. You open the door and thor is there trying to make something but you smelt it burning he takes out a messed up cookies. They were burnt and all deformed. He groaned in frustration and his eyes glowed light blue and he zapped the cookies burning them more. "Wow. Didnt know you could do that without your hammer thor" you said. He looked up then smiled.

"Lady Y/N! Your back! Help me make cookies!" he winded.

"Heheh. Ok. But first, I want you to meat my older brother, Thor Kevin, Kevin Thor" you said. Thor smiled and offered his hand to shake. Kevin did. When they let go of each others hand kevin grabbed his hand in pain.

"Ow" he groaned. You giggled.

"Oh your fine big brother!" you said bumbling his side with yours.

"Ow" he growled again.

"You an older brother as well? What a coincidence! I am as well" thor smiled.

"Yes. Im a king of our realm" kevin gulped slightly. Loki pulled you aside.

"You didnt tell me you were a princess" loki whispered.

"I though that was obvious" you said to him.

"No. You act so, unformal" he said. "N-no offense meaning" he said.

"Its fine" you say then pull loki back to his and your brothers.

"If you dont mind me asking, why are you so formal and royalty like? Yet lady Y/N acts like a mortal?" thor asked.

"Yes. My little sister can be a bit obnoxious like mortals can be, but thats because I grew up in the castle, when mother and father died, she was a , troubled child, so they blamed her for the fire. It wasnt her fault. It was mine. I was sparking my powers to impress, someone, and my room cough fire. Instead of getting my mother and father to help put it out I pulled them out of the room and told them to run for the exit. I ran to my little sisters room first and saved her while she was taking her nap. When I gave her to one of the maids to run out with her something happened while I ran to my parents room trough the fire to see them dead on the ground. When I ran down to get my little sister and the girl I tried to impress the girl was dead and a plank of broken wood was on my little sister. I kicked it off her. I though I had lost everyone I loved. Then she started coughing. I ran out and saw the burn on her neck. The next this I see is flashing lights the fire being out out and doctors and nurses taking my baby sister from my hands and running her to the ER in our kingdom to heal her. I was so worried when she didnt come home for weeks on end, then I found out she was in the orphanage, I went over and asked for her. They said she escaped to earth through a portal and I didnt know how to make them. So i lived nowing I was alone forever in our little realm of demons and angels. I dated others to get over the being alone feeling. But when I saw my little burst through the castle doors I new, she was the last thing I had in our life. I though I was hers, then I smelt another god sent all over her" Kevin said explaining why you wernt like him,and your backstory.

"He bugged me about who it was and such and I tole him the only way to met him was to come back to earth with me" you said.

"Yes" Kevin smirked.

"Lady Y/N, I had no idea you past was so bad. I am truly sorry for pressuring you about it a few weeks ago" thor apologized.

"No! Thor! Its alright! I promise. Hy bro, loki, how about you two talk and such while I help thor make his cookies" you said. Loki nodded. So did your brother. They sat down at the table and talked. After a while you and thor pulled out the cookies and put them on the stove and they were perfect. You out them onto a plate and you and thor walked to loki and your brother.

"So, when I was alone in my room with my now ex girlfriend, not the one I tried to impress, but a different one, I herd my little sister scream. So I ran out of my room to go across the hall to her room and check up on her. She was shaking in the corner of her room terrified-" you stomped your foot and they looked at you.

"Cookies are ready" you said in a growl and place the plate down. Loki and thor take one each and bite into it. You toke two and offered one to your brother and he toke it. He saw how you bit it and did the same...

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