Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*3 weeks later*

*From Olly*
Hey I can't meet up this Saturday my dad's in town, next Saturday?

*From Arla*
I can't do next Saturday my cousin's wedding how bout Sunday this week I don't know how long I can wait 💔💔 I low-key hate the fact that I fell for you I don't even know your name

*From Olly*
I know love, I cant do this sunday either. having second thoughts about our agreement?

*From Arla*
No, I like the suspense but it's killing me

*From Olly*
I can't believe we've been low-key dating but don't know each other I wonder how many other couples do this

*From Arla*
Probably no one 😋

Arla's POV
I know I have zero right to be mad at him but I've been so looking forward to this for the past 3 weeks and the last week has been pure anxiety what if he doesn't like me what if he hates me what does he know about last year I was so worried and the he goes and cancels...
My phone rings, it's him, I pick up

"Hi" I say trying desperately to not let any amount of scared or mad come out.

"Hey" he says back

Immediately after my head is filled with he could tell I'm mad he can tell and he hates me for it but then he asks

"You okay? you sound kinda mad"

"I, I just I'm sad that we couldn't meet up that's all" I reply

"I know, I'm sorry, but hey we'll meet one day"

"Yeah, but when"

"Soon" he promises

Then he hangs up

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