Chapter 16

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Chapter 15

Arla's POV

1 month later

I kiss Olly one last time it was a lingering kiss and I didn't want to pull away but I had to I grab his hand and let him kiss Fletcher good bye the orange of the county jail suit didn't compliment his skin tone at all but that was the least of my worries I couldn't stand to let him go each time I thought I stopped crying I started again tear upon tear rolled down my cheek and I did nothing to stop it I couldn't, even though the feeling I felt inside could only be described as terrible I didn't want him to get hurt I couldn't stand the thought of him in prison and I didn't want to think about him getting in a fight but I did anyways the last kiss goodbye was the longest it had to be if I could stop him from going in then and there I wouldve I hug him my arms draped around his neck

" I love you" I whisper into his ear

"I love you too" he chokes back he grabs my face a brushes away two stray tears, that had fallen moments before the guard put his hands on Ollys shoulders and he gets pulled away, I turn around to Ollys mother and fall into her arms we both nearly fall tot he ground sobbing whilst Ollys father holds Fletcher
Fletcher's crying and he knows something is wrong

"I LOVE YOU" Ollys yells while walking away I turn around and blow a kiss his way tears fall from my cheeks and hit the ground one at a time
The journey home this time was not fun it wasn't good it was four tear filled people crying as they leave a loved one to go to prison when we get home we all decide to be alone for a while and I take Fletcher up to our room I'm wiping tears away from his cheeks while I say

"your daddy loves you so so much darling and he loves me and he's not a bad man bubba he's the best man" I kiss his forehead and he cracks a small baby smile and I lay him down for a nap

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