Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Arla's POV

There was no way in hell that our chances were all aligned like that but they could be and it was worth a shot and who knows maybe he won't get sentenced for awhile and we can try then. But until then I need to grab a pregnancy test and test this thing I wonder what my parents will say on the walk to the drug store and then I brush it off because I don't need to live with them anymore I can live Ollys parents it dawned on me I have no idea who Ollys parents are I know their names and that's it, Theresa and Mark but I wonder if they are nice, or how they will take me being pregnant if I am.

My parents ring me I pick up the phone and immediately get an earful

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" my mother screams at me

"I'm with my boyfriend and I'm fine and there's a note on my bed why do you want me anyways" I say apathetically mum is stills screaming at me

"What gives you the right to run away like that your siblings need taking care of!!" Now I'm mad

"Well maybe if you weren't getting stones of your ass then you would take two seconds to notice that I want to have a life and right now it's been taken up by the guy that comes over and..." I trail off they don't need to know as the don't care enough to ask what it was all mum says is

"Don't bother coming home" she hangs up

"Gladly" I say to the continuous beep

I walk into the drugstore and walk back out with a pregnancy test when I get back home Olly is waiting for me

"Ready" I ask

"As I'll ever be" he adds

I go into the bathroom

Ollys POV

I await Arla impatiently very impatiently, she come back out a few moments later

"The box said we have to wait three minutes" she says

"Seriously?! More waiting" 

"Yes just a little longer babe"

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