Ch. 2- "Are you referring to me thinking with my penis?"

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**Brooke's P.O.V.**

I hop into to my little red car and head to the party. I've only had like 3 shots, so I'm still sober enough to drive. I'll probably end up crashing at Zaharah's house, because I'll be too wasted to drive. Her house is only about a 5-minute drive from mine, so the ride isn't very long, but a lot can happen in five minutes. My friend when I was in 2nd grade was in a car accident as her mom was pulling out of their driveway. So, you can never be too careful. I love Zaharah. She's a great friend and she's there when it counts. When I have my emotional breakdown's, she's the one who helps me through them.

I pull up to her two story 8 bedroom 4½-bath house. It's gorgeous and it has a sunroom and a 5ft. deep pool with a deck and swimming gear under it. The front room is the size of my living room and kitchen combined. Her room was designed by her and it looks amazing. It's black with neon color slats. Her carpet is neon pink and green checkered. Then she has her artwork scattered all over her walls. Her bed is a queen size mattress with a two sided comforter. One side is black the other is white with neon circles collected together to form circles also. So, it's like circles made of circles. She has a neon yellow saucer chair and a neon blue beanbag chair. She has a neon orange 50 inch flat screen TV.

All together I think she has it pretty good. I love her room, we spend a lot of time in there. Her closet is amazing. It has a couch a 48 inch flat screen TV. She has all the clothes she wants in there. I borrow her them all the time. I'm a little bit curvier than her but we make it work!

I step out of the car. Zayden saw me and was, not to sound conceited, standing there in awe of my sexiness. I walk with my hips swaying and I was determined not to fall and make a fool of myself. I reach the steps and trip. Just as I almost hit the pavement I felt a pair of strong arms grip my waist. I look up into Zayden's piercing blue eyes. I could've sworn a look of lust rushed through his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a cocky smirk. I could see in his eyes a playful look.

"Fallin' for me already? The night hasn't even begun yet," he let out a raspy chuckle and pulled his face close enough I could feel the heat radiating from his lips on mine. My throat suddenly got tighter and my heartbeat increased rapidly. At the last minute he moved his mouth to my ear. His lips brushed my neck in the process making me choke back a moan.

"What's wrong, Brooke, cat got your tongue," he said so smoothly I felt a bit dazed.

I moved my mouth but nothing came out. I quickly closed my mouth realizing how ridiculous I must look at the moment. I just lay in his arms, fearing if I tried to stand I'd fall. I gazed into those blue eyes lost in them. Then I felt my feet being gently sat on the ground. I stumbled as Zayden's arms left my waist. Suddenly I felt cold. That something was missing and I didn't like it.

"Are we going to be doing this all night?" Zayden chuckled as he grabbed my waist again. "You are something, Brooke."

I'm something? What's that supposed to mean? Is that a good thing? What should I say back? Should I be cocky? Sarcastic? My mind is overwhelmed...I think I like the cocky/sarcastic.

"Maybe if you thought with your head upstairs instead of your other one, you would have a different perspective of me," I reply with a cocky smirk.

"Are you referring to me thinking with my penis?" he states acting offended.

"Actually I am," I say feeling like I've accomplished something.

"Well, would you be offended if I asked you to blow my mind?" he chuckles as he says this knowing I'm a bit taken off guard.

I step up close to him with my lips just millimeters away and whisper, "Consider it blown."

With that I walk confidently into the house. Where I can see the party has already started. I squeeze through all of the people and try to find Zaharah. I finally see her in the kitchen mixing some drinks. I walk up to her and say, "We should get my brother and your brother and leave to go play a game at my house."

"That's sounds awesome!" she slurs a little.

We find Blake and it was easy for him to agree. Next was trying to convince Zayden. I find him sitting on the couch making out with some Barbie whore. I hold up a barrier to keep back the tears that are fighting to escape.

"Zayden," I say hoping to get his attention, "Zayden!" I yell. No response. In my angry state, I run through all the half naked people who are making out and dancing, and run to the kitchen. I grab a bucket from the closet and fill it with ice-cold water. I charge through the people again. I'm a woman on a mission. I walk straight up to Zayden and the Barbie. I stop when I see him grabbing one of her fake boobs. I swear you could've seen flames in my eyes. I took the water and threw it on the both of them. Zayden looked at me with a hard face. Then it softened when he saw the hurt expression on my face.

"Why did you do that?" he asked me a hint of remorse in his voice.

"Do you want to go home with Zaharah, Blake, and I to play a game?" I ask not even caring I hadn't answered his. I look him over and I can see his shirt sticking to him. I can see his chiseled abs, also his muscular chest. His snakebites are the most teasing thing about him. Every time I see him I just want to taste them and bite them and pull on them. Piercings are my thing. I finally realize that I've been staring at Zayden for about 5 minutes, because he's waving a hand in my face and shaking me with the other.

"I said yes. Now lets go! VOMENOS!" he shouted. I couldn't help but giggle at the fact that he'd just made a Dora reference. All of a sudden I feel myself moving. I look down to see Zayden's ass in my face. I squeel and hit his bum trying to get out of this mad-drunk man's arms as he runs through a party out the door. I laugh while trying to get down. He is so going to pay later.

"What are you doing!?" I ask.

"You were too busy staring at my body so I had to do something drastic," you could hear the smirk in his voice while he said it. I actually kind of liked being on his shoulder. I felt like I finally belonged somewhere and I was actually wanted.

I have a great game in store for everyone. I think they'll love it.

Hehehehe c: I really like this and I'll upload once a week if I can. I really would love to hear your comments.


Love You Guys <3

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