Ddu-du Ddu-du(Ch9)

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Sana PovI turned my Psycho mode on and run like Naruto(Naruto Kun 😍)I kicked the door and prepared my gun"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" I said in threatening voice "Calm down"

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Sana Pov
I turned my Psycho mode on
and run like Naruto(Naruto Kun 😍)
I kicked the door and prepared my gun
"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" I said in threatening voice "Calm down" ... Said is that who I think it is?! "Im Nayeon?!" I asked "The one and only" Nayeon flips her hair I ran and hugged her she was my best friend ever since little then I remembered "WHERE IS THAT IDIOT?!" I asked "Relax I already took care of him" Nayeon said "By what?" I asked "putting him and lock him in the coffin" Nayeon said "Aye! that's my girl!" I said wink point at him "Can I call you Psycho? your jail name?" I asked yes she was an idiotic criminal but she is still my best friend "Sure" Psycho said "HELLO! PLEASE HELP ME!" Taehyung said in the coffin "NO ONE CARES! AND NO ONE WILL HELP YOU!" I yelled and me and Psycho laughed "So how are you and Yerin doing?" I asked smirking I swear that I saw her blush "We're friends nothing more" Psycho said "Yeah "Friends" " I talked airqouted both my fingers "Haven't I made it obvious haven't I made it clear?" Psycho sings "how do you know it's my favorite song?" I asked "dunno" Psycho said "anyways." Psycho said "SANA CHAN WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE?! NO ONE IS CUTE!!!!" Psycho screamed I look at her like wtf and she hugged me too tight "Okay you Psychopath you might suffocate me" I said "what if I like suffocating you?" Psycho asked "Dunno?" I said "Let's just watch netflix and chill" I said "What?" I asked "NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY!" I said in annoyed tone "Alright" Psycho said we watched the vampire diaries again we love how overprotective Stefan and Damon was with Elena I wish that I am Elena and Stefan is Taehyung Jungkook is Damon....
Knock Knock
I answered the door and I see "Hi who are you?" I asked dumbfounded "stop acting dumb Sana" Jungkook said and he gets in my house Crude "Where is your husband anyways?" Jungkook asked "Why do you care?" I asked "He was in the coffin" Psycho said "WHAT THE HELL?!" Jungkook said dramatically and runs to Taehyung's Bedroom "OH MY GOD ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! ANSWER ME BRO!" Jungkook said panicking while Opening Taehyung's Coffin and saw him pale "WHAT ARE YOU DOING STANDING THERE PEOPLE?! HELP ME!" Jungkook said in angry tone and we replied with "Fine" Me and Psycho said "He is not breathing" Jungkook said panicking "well give him CPR duh" Psycho said rolling her eyes "HELL NO NOT ME! SANA YOU GIVE HIM CPR!" Jungkook said panicking "NO WAY! HE HAS MORNING BREATH EW!" I said disgusted "FINE IF YOU WON'T DO IT I'LL DO IT!" Jungkook said while he takes a deep breath and....Kissed Taehyung Avianna:well guys apparently in reality only #vkook exist not #sakook or #taesana btw VKOOK IS LIFE! WOO HOO!!!! Yes I am a VKook Shipper so what? Okay Get the fuck out Avianna Avianna:Crude *leaves* to be honest I am jealous that Jungkook kissed Taehyung and Taehyung isn't realizing Jungkook kissed him Well let's just say I am jealous of both "BRO YOU ARE ALIVE" Jungkook said while Hugging Taehyung so hard "BRO! YOU ARE GONNA KILL ME!" Taehyung said while coughing "Sorry" Jungkook apologized "So who gave me CPR?" Taehyung asked Me and Psycho Pointed to Jungkook "REALLY?!" Taehyung asked "SO I AM FAKING IT FOR NOTHING?!" Taehyung asked dramatically "OH MY FUCKING GOD! I KISSED A BOY!!!! NO I AM GAY!!!!!!" Taehyung acted dramatically "It's just CPR" Jungkook said "SAME DIFFERENCE! MOM DAD I AM SORRY!!!! I AM GAY!!!!!!!! FUCK THIS WORLD!!!!!! LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" Taehyung acted dramatically "Okay Drama Queen we are gonna leave before this gets weirder" Psycho said dragging me Leaving Poor Jungkook Who knows what happened to him
-With Jungkook-
"I AM GAY!!!!" Taehyung screamed "I ALREADY TOLD YOU 1000 TIMES IT WAS ONLY A CPR!" Jungkook said in angry tone "BUT I FAKED IT!!! SO I AM GAY!!!!!" Taehyung screamed and Taehyung smelled like Alcohol "I guess he is just drunk" Jungkook thought "Hey Man? wanna make out?" Taehyung asked "God help me" Jungkook thought
-With Sana-
POOR JUNGKOOK LOL! Who knows if they'd have Sex by know okay that'll be awkward and embarrassing since this story is not about VKook or TaeKook we go to Charlotte's house and explain many stories "Oh wow" Brooke said "That's Shit" Charlotte said "Okay" Catherine Said "WowSa(Wow X Sana XD)" Kendra said "Let's drink Horchatas while eating Chipotles who's with me?" Avianna asked "Me!" Tzuyu said
Avianna:If you guys know Horchata and Chipotle I love you don't say you know just because you just searched from google you better try it too! it tastes very good! okay Avianna Out!
"I have to go somewhere be right back" Psycho said and 15 minutes later she returned with bloody clothes "Uh..." Charlotte said "How is your little trip?" Brooke asked unsure "Good" Psycho said while grinning "Why is there blood on your clothes?" Tzuyu asked "Relax it's not mine" Psycho said "WELL THAT'S EVEN MORE WORSE!" Kendra said dramatically "Yeah no shit sherlock" I said disgusted "Just clean yourself up" Catherine said while facepalming
I listened to a music

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